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改革开放以来,长江流域以沪、宁、汉、渝为主的140多个大中小城市迅速崛起,它们打破区域隔绝和条块分割的旧格局,开展横向联合,组成了一条绚丽多姿的长江经济带。这条经济带与东南沿海接轨,使“T”字型的经济发展战略构想变成现实,并且极大地推动了沿边和腹地经济的跳跃发展。长江经济的发展为我国经济发展所作出的贡献令人瞩目。当前,“浦东开发”、“沿江开放”、“外轮进江”更把长江经济的发展推上了一个新的台阶。长江航运既是长江流域经济的重要组成部分,又是长江流域经济发展 Since the reform and opening up, more than 140 large, medium-sized and small cities in the Yangtze River valley dominated by Shanghai, Ningxia, Han and Chongqing have rapidly emerged. They have broken the old pattern of regional isolation and fragmentation and carried out horizontal integration to form a gorgeous Yangtze River Economic Belt. The integration of this economic belt with the southeast coast has enabled the strategic thinking of the “T” shape to become a reality and has greatly promoted the leaping economic development along the border and in the hinterland. The contribution made by the economic development in the Yangtze River to the economic development of our country is remarkable. At present, “Pudong Development”, “opening up along the Yangtze River” and “turning the river into the river” have pushed the development of the Yangtze River’s economy to a new level. Yangtze River Shipping is not only an important part of the economy of the Yangtze River basin, but also the economic development of the Yangtze River Basin
目的:建立HPLC法检测普瑞巴林口服溶液有关物质.方法:色谱柱为CPACELL PAK C18(250mm×4.6 mm,5μm1),以25 mmol·L-1磷酸二氢钾溶液(氨水调节pH 6.7)为流动相A,甲醇为流动相
目的:建立硅藻土细菌内毒素限量检测方法,从而监控硅藻土中细菌内毒素的含量.方法:将供试品配成10%溶液,涡旋混合后,采用3 500 r·min-1离心10 min取上清液,按照通则1143细菌
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AL3810,a molecular dual inhibitor of the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor(VEGFR)and fibroblast growth factor receptor(FGFR),has earned the permission
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The combination of paclitaxel (PTX) and doxorubicin (DOX) has been widely used in the clinic.However,it remains unsatisfied due to the generation of severe toxi