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最近一段时间,江泽民同志在各种会议和场合,反复强调“领导干部一定要讲政治”.为什么他在短短半年时间的6次讲话里一而再,再而三地告诫领导干部一定要“讲政治”呢?首先,从根本上说,“讲政治”,是由党的性质、宗旨和奋斗目标决定的.中国共产党是工人阶级的先锋队,它的宗旨是全心全意为人民服务,它的最终目标,是实现共产主义的社会制度.党的性质,宗旨和奋斗目标的鲜明的政治性,决定了我们党的政治性,也决定了我们党的领导干部“一定要讲政治”.“这些干部不仅要努力成为有知识、懂业务、胜任本职工作的内行.而且首先要努力成为忠诚于马克思主义、坚持走有中国特色社会主义道路、会治党治国的政治家.”(《中共中央关于加强党的建设几个重大问题的决定》)其次,“讲政治”是改革开放新形势下面临复杂的环境所要求的.改革开放是强国之路,是基本国策.但是在引进、吸引和利用外国一切对我有益的东西的同时,不可避免地会有资本主义腐朽思想的侵蚀和渗透,特别是西方敌对势力亡我之心不死,他们挥舞着“人权”的大棒,把他们的所谓“民主”、“自由”那一套强加于人,力图“西化”、“分化”我们.李登辉搞“台独”,制造“一中一台”.在这种情况下,如果我们不讲政治,没有政治鉴别力,缺乏政治敏感性,那末,我们的国 In recent days, Comrade Jiang Zemin repeatedly stressed at various conferences and occasions that “leading cadres must talk about politics.” Why did he repeatedly and repeatedly warned leading cadres in six short speeches of six months that they must “ Political ”? First of all, fundamentally speaking,“ speaking politics ”is determined by the party’s nature, purpose and goal of struggle. The Chinese Communist Party is the vanguard of the working class. Its purpose is to serve the people wholeheartedly. Its The ultimate goal is to realize the communist social system.The distinctive political nature of the party’s nature, purpose and goal of struggle determines the political nature of our party and also determines that the leading cadres of our party “must talk about politics.” “These Cadres must not only strive to become experts in knowledge, business and competent work, but must first strive to become politicians who are loyal to Marxism and adhere to the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics and will govern the party and the state. ”(“ Second, ”speaking politics“ is required by the complicated environment under the new situation of reform and opening up. Reform and opening up are the key to reform and opening up. However, it is inevitable that while the introduction, attraction and use of foreign things that are of interest to me will inevitably erode and infiltrate the decadent capitalist ideology, especially since the Western hostile forces will perish in my heart, they will wave We must impose on the people the ”democracy“ and ”freedom“ of their so-called ”democracy,“ and ”separate“ us. ”Lee Teng-hui engaged in“ Taiwan’s independence, ”and created“ one China, one Taiwan. ” Under such circumstances, if we do not talk about politics, have no political discrimination and lack political sensitivity, then our country
Soil organic carbon(SOC) pool has the potential to mitigate or enhance climate change by either acting as a sink, or a source of atmospheric carbon dioxide(CO_2
由云南省科委、临沧行署科技局主持的“碾压混凝土筑坝施工技术在大朝山水电站的研究和应用”项目科技鉴定会 ,已于 2 0 0 2年 5月 15日在昆明召开 ,并通过鉴定。中国工程院