
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ancdtang
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近十年来,由于我国港口建设投资体制的改革,各地区、各部门自主建港的能力大大加强,从而促进了我国港口的发展。同时,也产生了一些港口竞相发展,造成港口建设项目重复投资,港口通过能力得不到充分发挥,港口投资规模效益差的问题,由此引起了对我国沿海港口发展问题的讨论。本文以当代世界经济发展为背景,提出中国沿海港口发展战略观念。 一、世界经济发展的新特点及对运输格局的影响 二次世界大战以来,特别是近三十年来,世界经济发展进入了新阶段,呈现了新特点,形成了新格局,对我国的经济、全球的运输和港口的发展提出了新的要求。归纳当今世界经济发展的两大特点是,世界经济的全球化和区域集团化。 世界经济全球化也称世界经济全球一体化,其本质是经济国际分工、发展进入了新阶段。也就是经济活动是通过生产的国际分工推动世界贸易;国际资本与获得民族独立的发展中国家之间有可能建立平等互惠、优势互补的关系;经济分工的模式已从原有的由工业化国家向殖民地购买原料并输出制成品的垂直分工变为经济的水平分工,使一个企业生产过程的内部分工扩大为全球范围的分工,使得生产要素在全球范围内实现优化组合,生产资源得到优化配置。 In the past ten years, due to the reform of the port construction investment system in our country, the ability of all regions and departments to build their own ports has been greatly strengthened, thus promoting the development of our ports. At the same time, some ports also developed competing development, resulting in repeated investment in port construction projects, inadequate capacity of ports, and poor scale of investment in ports, which led to a discussion on the development of China’s coastal ports. Based on the economic development in the contemporary world, this paper proposes the concept of the development strategy of China’s coastal ports. I. New Features of the World Economic Development and Impact on the Transport Pattern Since the Second World War, especially in the past three decades, the world’s economic development has entered a new phase, showing new characteristics and forming a new pattern. It has greatly affected China’s economy, Global transport and port development put forward new requirements. To sum up two major characteristics of the current world economic development are the globalization of the world economy and the regional grouping. The world economic globalization is also called the global economic globalization. Its essence is the international division of labor in economy, and the development has entered a new stage. That is, economic activity is to promote world trade through the international division of labor in production; it is possible to establish reciprocal and mutually complementary advantages between international capital and developing nations enjoying national independence; and the mode of economic division of labor has shifted from the former industrialized countries The vertical division of labor between the purchase of raw materials by the colonies and the export of manufactured goods becomes the level-division of the economy, expanding the internal division of labor in an enterprise’s production process to a global division of labor, enabling the production elements to be optimally integrated globally and optimizing the allocation of production resources.
服务地方经济 ,投身农业开发 ,使濒临破产的河南省西峡县粮食局油厂“起死回生” ,走上了一条阳光大道。这个油厂在市场经济大浪的冲击下 ,由于缺乏积极的应对措施 ,亏损严重
简讯  3月 3 1日 ,四川省地税局、金税杂志社、四川税务学会及四川日报社在蓉隆重揭幕“金税论坛”研讨会。围绕“税收与西部大开发”主题 ,党政领导、学界强手、传媒能人、