从1989年开始,我乡各居民小组在水田试行“菜——烟——稻”三熟制,1990年推广50亩,1991年已推广100亩。这种耕作制除提高土地利用率和增加经济收益外,还具有减少水稻病虫,烟茎、菜叶(根)还田培肥地力的效用,因此很受农民的欢迎,并将有逐渐扩大势头。 据1991年100亩三熟制统计: 蔬菜主要为榨菜,平均亩产榨菜2345公斤(菜牯1280公斤,菜心575公斤,菜叶490公斤)。烟叶品种为“G28”,平均亩产145.2公斤。晚稻平均亩产475公斤。菜、烟、稻三季平均每亩总产值为1414.4元,比稻、稻、油耕作制每亩多收674元,经济效益十分显著。
Beginning in 1989, various groups in our township piloted a three-crop “vegetable-tobacco-rice” experiment in the paddy field. In 1990, the project promoted 50 mu. In 1991, it promoted 100 mu. In addition to improving land utilization and increasing economic returns, this tillage system is also greatly welcomed by peasants and will gradually expand its effectiveness in reducing the fertility of rice pests, tobacco stems and leaves (roots) momentum. According to 1991, three acres of 100 acres of statistics: mainly vegetables mustard, the average yield of mustard 2345 kg per mu (Cai Shu 1280 kg, apricot 575 kg, 490 kg leaves). Tobacco varieties for the “G28”, the average yield 145.2 kg per mu. Late rice average yield 475 kilograms. The average output value per mu of vegetables, tobacco and rice in the three seasons was 1,414.4 yuan, which was 674 yuan more than that of rice, rice and oil cultivation, and the economic benefit was very significant.