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作为普通教育的重要补充,中职教育越来越受到社会的关注,掌握一技之长的职业教育,成为人才培养的又一重要途径。孔子曰:“移风易俗,莫善于乐”我国历史上,周公制礼作乐,通过“礼乐”来规范人们的行为,可见,音乐是一门重要的基础课程。中职教育开设音乐课,可以提高学生的审美,传承中国古代优秀的音乐文化,了解世界各地不同民族不同风格的音乐及生活方式,全面深入地了解音乐。然而,当下中职音乐非专业教学中,依然存在一些不足,适合中职学生学习的教材难觅踪影,教学方式比较单一,对音乐教学重视不够等。 As an important supplement to general education, secondary vocational education has drawn more and more attention from the society. It is yet another important way to cultivate talents through mastering vocational education with the same skill. Confucius said: “It is easy to follow the customs of the people and is good at music.” In our country’s history, the rituals and rites of the Zhou Dynasty were regulated by “rites and music”. It can be seen that music is an important basic course. Secondary vocational education to open music class, you can improve the aesthetic of students, heritage of ancient Chinese excellent music culture, understanding of different ethnic groups around the world different styles of music and lifestyle, a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of music. However, there are still some shortcomings in nonprofessional music teaching in secondary vocational schools nowadays. The teaching materials suitable for secondary vocational students are hard to find, the teaching methods are relatively simple, and the emphasis on music teaching is not enough.
对行星齿轮-槽轮组合机构进行了运动学综合,附有机构运动曲线图,机构参数表和机构特性值表,并对机构的选型方法进行了阐述. The planetary gear - sheave combination mechanism
“为大于其细”语出老子。它深刻地阐明了“大”与“细”的辩证关系。我们把它借用到文章写作中来 ,同样有着深刻的指导意义 ,特别是对记叙性文章更是如此 ,因为典型的细节描
应用模糊论方法学基本原理,定量处理了机器结构工艺性评价指标的模糊性,并用二级模糊综合评判法对机器结构工艺性进行定量评价,使评阶结果更准确合理。 Applying the basic pri
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