铁杆杆头为啥长这样 大杆头适合女士吗

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铁杆杆头的趾部为什么会那么高?当我培训球杆销售人员和教职业球员的时候,都会首先问他们这个问题。但是,他们大部分人都无法回答。即便是职业球员,也从未考虑过它的原因,而是既来之则安之,接受它的外型。如果球杆是一种击球的工具,中心位置是击球的理想点,那么杆头趾部和跟部的高度应该一致,这样的设计不是更加自然吗?我在培训时问这些问题,是为了让每个人都开始思考,为什么杆头被设计成这个样子。事实上,原因很简单。因为杆颈部分很宽而且很重,我们需要在杆头趾部增加重量,这样杆头才能达到平衡状态。我们把杆头趾部设计得很高,目的就是为了增加重量。因为杆颈是杆头和杆身的连接部,所以需要设计得厚重而且强壮。这就是为什么最早的铁杆杆头就 Why does the toe of the irons head so high? When I train the club sales staff and professional players, will first ask them this question. However, most of them can not answer. Even a professional player has never considered its causes, but has always been the security, to accept its appearance. If the club is a hitting tool, the center position is the ideal point of hitting, then the head toe and heel should be the same height, this design is not more natural? I asked these questions in training is In order for everyone to start thinking, why the head is designed to look like this. In fact, the reason is simple. Because the neck portion is wide and heavy, we need to add weight to the toe so that the head can reach equilibrium. We designed the head toe very high for the sole purpose of increasing weight. Because the hosel is the connection between the club head and the shaft, it needs to be designed thick and strong. This is why the earliest irons on the head