
来源 :学习与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jayngu
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纵观学者们关于社会行动的研究,社会关系和社会规范是研究社会行动时绕不开的重要影响因素,以其二者为视角可将社会行动模式划分为四种类型。在社会逐步走向现代化的过程中,社会行动模式不断趋于复杂和理性。原有传统社会乡土逻辑下的社会行动模式式微,社会行动模式普遍总体呈现为强显性规范型普遍主义社会行动和弱隐性规范型特殊主义社会行动。转型加速期社会行动所遵循的行动逻辑是复杂和多元的,政策和法律等显性规范以及深入人们生活的价值理性等隐性规范,都为社会集体行动提供了强大的依据和动力。 Throughout the scholars’ research on social action, social relations and social norms are important influencing factors in the study of social action. From the perspective of both, social action patterns can be divided into four types. In the process of gradual social modernization, the patterns of social action have become increasingly complex and rational. The primitive mode of social action and the mode of social action under the native logic of the traditional society generally appear as the social actions of dominant and normative universalism and the special social actions of weak and hidden norm. The logic of action followed by social actions in the accelerated transition period is a complex and pluralistic, explicit norms such as policies and laws, as well as such hidden norms as the value rationality that go deep into people’s lives, all of which provide a strong basis and motivation for social collective action.
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大凡有些年纪的人,肯定都记得“老三篇”。作为也有些年纪的我,总感觉那个时代尽管成了历史,但我总忘不了那个叫做“愚公移山”的寓言故事。  那个移山痴心不敢,挖土决心不变,并
选拔和任用检察干部 ,应积极引入市场经济原则 ,更新用人观念 ,在政治素质过硬的前提下 ,强调以实绩为导向 ,通过竞争选拔任用优秀者。什么是工作实绩 ?检察机关需要办案能手
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