攻克难关 如期普及初等教育

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普及初等教育困难较大的泗洪、盱眙、洪泽三个县全党动手,全民发动,用最大的努力,攻克难关,到今年七月底普及初等教育的“四率”已基本达标。今年年初,泗洪县普及初等教育的“四率”同上级的要求相比,都有一定的差距。为了确保在新学年开始前达到要求,上半年县委两次召开乡党委书记会议,专门研究教育工作。提出县、乡、村三级第一把手要亲自抓教育,全民发动,千方百计把“四率”搞上去。各乡党委书记都向县委立了责任状。各村党支部书记也都向乡党委立了责任状,决心按时完成任务。六、七月份,县、乡、村三级领导干部和全县二千多名小学教师,层层划片包干, In the three counties of Xihong, Handan, and Hongze, where the difficulty in popularizing primary education is high, the whole Party started the process and the whole nation launched it. With the utmost efforts to overcome the difficulties, the “four rate” of universal primary education by the end of July this year has basically reached the standard. At the beginning of this year, the “four rates” of universal primary education in Sihong County have a certain gap compared with the requirements of the superiors. In order to ensure that the requirements are fulfilled before the start of the new school year, the County Party Committee held the township party committee secretary meeting twice in the first half of the year to specifically study education. It is proposed that the county, township and village leaders should personally focus on education at the three levels and start the whole nation, and do everything possible to engage in “four rates”. The township Party committee secretaries have set up a responsibility to the county party committee. The village party branch secretaries also made a responsibility statement to the township party committee and decided to complete the task on time. In June and July, the leading cadres at the county, township, and village levels and more than 2,000 primary school teachers across the county were stratified and contracted.
校长应该怎样对待教师,调动教师的工作积极性,是办好学校的一个重要问题.冯文和同志就此谈了自己的看法.希望有更多的同志撰文,就这个问题进行探讨. How the principal shou