
来源 :华中师范大学研究生学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gabby11
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作为中国社会转型过程的伴生现象,医患冲突已成为当下严重的社会问题。文章将传统社会的医患关系与现代社会的医患关系进行比对后发现:在古代社会里,健康和责任在医患间是紧密结合的;而在现代社会里,健康和责任在医患间则是相互分离的。医患关系从紧密结合到互相分离实际上反映了个体化背景下行动主体的行动逻辑,即行动主体从传统社会的集体中解放出来,主要的生活方式和维护生活安全的形式由集体式向个体式转变。而正是这种尚处于转变状态的行动逻辑成为了医患纷争不断发生的重要原因。 As an accompanying phenomenon in the process of social transformation in China, the conflict between doctors and patients has become a serious social problem nowadays. The article compares the doctor-patient relationship in the traditional society with the doctor-patient relationship in the modern society and finds that in the ancient society, health and responsibility are closely integrated with the doctor-patient relationship. In modern society, Room is separated from each other. The close connection between doctor-patient relationship and the separation from each other actually reflects the action logic of actors in the context of individualization. That is, the actors are liberated from the traditional social groups. The major life styles and the forms of safeguarding life are from collective to individual Change. And it is this logic of action that is still in a state of transformation that has become an important reason why the disputes between doctors and patients continue to occur.
Based on the theories of the heat transfer, the principle of phase transformation and the theory of electric and magnetic field, the mathematical model of trans
本刊讯近日,中国POPs(持久性有机污染物)废物环境无害化管理处置项目启动会在北京召开。据了解,该项目将用5年时间,采用环境无害化技术收集和处理我国残 Recently, the Chin