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语文是中国人的母语课,是中华民族语言文化传统的结晶,也是中华民族情感与价值观的载体,教好初中语文不仅是为了给学生奠定良好的语文基础,也是为了培养学生的高尚品质和爱国情怀。但由于受教育环境的影响,广大的中西部地区多数学校仍然以传统的教学模式为主,侧重成绩的提高。忽视学生交际能力与创新能力的培养,严重影响力学生的全面发展,不符合新课改的要求。为此,本文着重探究教好初中语文的方法,力求成绩与能力的共同提高,同时又培养学生的情感态度与价值观。以求培养既有知识又有能力的合格中学生。 Chinese is the mother tongue of Chinese people, is the crystallization of the Chinese language and culture tradition, but also the carrier of the Chinese nation’s feelings and values, teaching junior high school language not only to lay a good foundation for the students, but also to cultivate the students of noble quality and patriotic feelings. However, due to the influence of the educational environment, most of the schools in the central and western regions still use the traditional teaching mode and focus on the improvement of their performance. Neglecting the cultivation of communicative competence and innovative ability of students has a serious impact on the overall development of undergraduates and does not meet the requirements of the new curriculum reform. To this end, this article focuses on exploring ways to teach junior high school language, and strive to jointly improve the performance and ability, while cultivating students’ emotional attitudes and values. In order to cultivate both qualified and qualified middle school students.
北京时间10月12日19时,瑞典皇家科学院诺贝尔奖委员会宣布,将2009年度诺贝尔经济学奖授予美国经济学家埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆和奥利弗·威廉姆森。 Beijing time at 19 o’cloc
AIM: To characterize the effects of age on clinical presentations and endoscopic diagnoses and to determine outcomes after endoscopic therapy among patients age