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在高校培养高水平排球队,我认为应考虑以下几个方面的问题: 一、合理布局,调整试点目前,全国经国家教育部和省、市、自治区教委审定的试办排球高水平队的学校较多,但有的学校没有建立相应的管理机制,而是根据生源情况发展或消失。因此,应在国家教育部的统一规划下调整全国试办排球高水平队的学校。对学校重视、条件较好、工作成绩显著且较稳定的要优先发展。根据前阶段国家教委组织的评估表明,全国大学排球试办高水平队,男女队保留甲乙组各12至16个队较适宜。在这些队中,对于能较稳定地保持在全国大学生排球比赛前茅的队,应争取中国大学生体协的支持,从任务的安排到运动员招生等方面予以关心,促进其带头发展。二、多种形式办队,增强活力高校培养高水平排球队要适应新的形势,面向社会,广筹资金,广开生源,在举办的全国大学生竞赛活动中对运动员资格规定、代表队名称等方面应 At present, I think the following questions should be considered: I. Rational Layout and Pilot Adjustment At present, the schools that have been approved by the Ministry of Education and provincial, municipal and autonomous regions for examining high-volleyball volleyball teams More, but some schools do not establish the corresponding management mechanism, but according to the students to develop or disappear. Therefore, under the unified planning of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, the schools of high-level volleyball teams in the whole country should be adjusted. Emphasis on schools, the conditions are good, significant and stable work performance to give priority to development. According to the evaluation conducted by the State Education Commission organized in the previous stage, it is appropriate for the National University Volleyball Trial High-level Team to retain 12 to 16 teams in both teams. Among these teams, for those teams that can maintain a relatively stable national collegiate volleyball competition, they should win the support of the Chinese Undergraduates Volleyball Association and be cautious in the task assignment and enrollment of athletes to promote their development. Second, the formation of teams in various forms, and enhance vitality University training high-level volleyball team to adapt to the new situation, facing the community, widening funds, wide open source students in the national competition organized by athletes qualifications, the name of the team Aspects should be
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我叫杨玉才,是宁夏职工科技学院原副院长,高级工程师,今年66岁。自1996年9月27日开始练武当太乙纯阳内丹站桩功,受益匪浅。我练太乙功有以下收获。 My name is Yang Yucai,