Shallow crustal velocity structures revealed by active source tomography and fault activities of the

来源 :地球与行星物理(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwk504
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The Anninghe fault is a large left-lateral strike-slip fault in southwestern China. It has controlled deposition and magmatic activities since the Proterozoic, and seismic activity occurs frequently. The Mianning?Xichang segment of the Anninghe fault is a seismic gap that has been locked by high stress. Many studies suggest that this segment has great potential for large earthquakes (magnitude >7). We obtained three vertical velocity profiles of the Anninghe fault (between Mianning and Xichang) based on the inversion of P-wave first arrival times. The travel time data were picked from seismograms generated by methane gaseous sources and recorded by three linearly distributed across-fault dense arrays. The inversion results show that the P-wave velocity structures at depths of 0?2 km corresponds well with the local lithology. The Quaternary sediments have low seismic velocities, whereas the igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, and bedrock have high seismic velocities. We then further discuss the fault activities of the two fault branches of the Anninghe fault in the study region based on small earthquakes (magnitudes between ML0.5 and ML2.5) detected by the Xichang array. The eastern fault branch is more active than the western branch and that the fault activities in the eastern branch are different in the northern and southern segments at the border of 28°21′N. The high-resolution models obtained are essential for future earthquake rupture simulations and hazard assessments of the Anninghe fault zone. Future studies of velocity models at greater depths may further explain the complex fault activities in the study region.
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