关于簡化商品流通稅货物税的照証制度問題,1957年2月全国省、自治区、直轄市稅务局長会議时曾进行了討論,認为除雪茄烟、烟絲、焚化品、鞭炮、原竹五个品目还须暫时保留外,其余土烟叶、肥皂、香皂等12个品目,拟一律不再使完税照(分运照)完稅証、查驗証。本部同意这一意見。为了便于各地貫徹执行,特作規定如下: 一、对土烟叶、肥皂、香皂、化粧品、蛤蜊油、表、茶叶、蚕絲、土布、水产品、甲乙类紙、毛制品中的毡帽、毡鞋、毡袜、毡呢等12个品目,一律不再使用原規定的完
On the issue of simplifying the system of verifying the flow of goods and materials taxes, during the meeting of the tax chief of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in February 1957, it was discussed that five types of cigar, tobacco, incineration products, firecrackers, Items still need to be temporarily retained, the remaining soil tobacco, soap, soap and other 12 items are intended to no longer make the tax paid (sub-license) tax certificate, check certificate. The Department agrees with this opinion. In order to facilitate the implementation of all localities, special provisions are as follows: First, the soil tobacco, soap, soap, cosmetics, clam oil, watches, tea, silk, homespun, aquatic products, AB paper, wool products in the felt hat, felt shoes , Felt socks, felt it 12 items, will no longer use the original provisions of the end