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钙是人体必需的重要营养素,也是体内含量最丰富的元素之一。成人体内约有1千多克的钙,它在体内有很广泛的生理作用。首先它是构成骨骼和牙齿的主要成分。全身所含的钙有99%是在骨骼和牙齿中,其余的1%存在于软组织、细胞外液和血液中。身体的各种生理活动,如肌肉的收缩、心脏的跳动以及内分泌、免疫系统的正常运转等等,都离不开它。因此,钙对各个年龄段的人们都有重要的营养作用,与人体的健康密切相关。对于体内正孕育着新生命的妇女来说,钙具有更为重要的意义。人类的生命是从含有一个细胞的受精卵开始的,牙齿、骨骼及体内的各脏器均是在妈妈“十月怀胎”的过程中,从无到有,从小到大发育而成的。这期间所需的各种营养,必须依赖母体供给,因此,怀孕后的妇女就需要比平时掇入更多的营养来满足体内胎儿发育的需要。怀孕期间,为满足母体自身、胎儿和为产后泌乳作准备的需要,对钙的需要量随着怀孕月份的增加而增加。整个孕期体内要多贮存30多克钙,以满足胎儿生长发育的需要。胎儿骨骼和牙齿的钙化自怀孕8个月后加速,故怀孕最后3个月对钙的需要量也更多。我国营养学会为我国成年人推荐的每日膳食中钙的供给量是800毫克,而孕中期(即孕4~6个月)为1000毫克:孕后期(孕7~9个月)为1500毫克。 Calcium is an essential nutrient essential for the human body, but also one of the most abundant elements in the body. There are about more than one thousand grams of calcium in adults and it has a wide range of physiological effects in the body. First it is the main ingredient that makes up the bones and teeth. Whole body contains 99% of the calcium in the bones and teeth, the remaining 1% in soft tissue, extracellular fluid and blood. The body’s various physiological activities, such as muscle contraction, heart beating and endocrine, the normal functioning of the immune system, etc., are inseparable from it. Therefore, calcium has an important nutritional effect on people of all ages and is closely related to human health. Calcium is even more important for women who are pregnant with new life in their body. Human life begins with a fertilized egg containing one cell. Teeth, bones, and various organs in the body are developed from scratch, from small to large, during the mother’s “October pregnancy.” . The various kinds of nutrition required during this period must rely on the supply of maternal supplies. Therefore, pregnant women need more nutrients than usual to meet the needs of in-vivo fetus development. During pregnancy, the need for calcium increases as the month of pregnancy increases to meet the needs of the mother, her fetus and preparation for postpartum lactation. The body during pregnancy should be stored more than 30 grams of calcium to meet the needs of fetal growth and development. Fetal bones and teeth calcification since the acceleration of pregnancy after 8 months, so the last 3 months of pregnancy, the need for calcium is also more. Nutritional Society of China recommended for our adults daily dietary calcium supply is 800 mg, and the second trimester (ie, pregnancy 4 to 6 months) of 1000 mg: the second trimester (7-9 months pregnant) is 1500 mg .
我院自1992年以来,采用血液灌流并透析方法抢救重度安定中毒20例,取得满意疗效,报告如下: 1 临床资料 1.1 一般情况:本组20例,男5例,女15例,年龄15~50岁,口服安定量1000~4000m
概念妊娠期 妊娠期是指妇女从怀孕至胎儿娩出的这一时期。在此期间,一方面母亲必须摄入更多的营养、以保证胎儿的正常生长发育所需;另一方面,也必须慎重地选择摄入的食品、以免
患者 ,女性 ,30岁 ,于 1 996年 1 2月食用被敌鼠钠污染的羊肉后 3日出现血尿、柏油样便 ,齿龈、外耳道、口唇出血及皮肤紫癜急诊入院。入院查体 :体温 38℃ ,脉搏 1 0 4次 分
1999年 5月 7日 ,我省兴海县大河坝乡纳东村发生一起由于食用了被肉毒梭菌毒素污染的牛肉引起的中毒 ,情况见表 1。表 1 中毒情况调查结果姓名代号 性别关系年龄 潜伏期(小