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问:小麦播种前怎样调查地下害虫发生情况?如何掌握防治标准? 答:麦播季节即将到来,掌握地下害虫的发生情况,是做好防治工作的基础。播种前选择有代表性的田块,按不同土质、地势、茬口、水、旱地等分别进行调查。一般在15亩左右的田块上,采用随机取样法,取8个样点,每点取样面积为四分之一平方米(即50厘米×50厘米)、深30厘米。仔细检查,查清优势虫种,折算每平方米虫数。 Q: How to investigate the occurrence of underground pests before sowing? How to control the standards? A: The sowing season is approaching, to grasp the occurrence of underground pests, is to do the prevention and treatment foundation. Select a representative plots before sowing, according to different soil, topography, crop rotation, water, dry land, etc. were investigated. Generally about 15 acres of plots, using a random sampling method, take eight samples, each sampling area of ​​one quarter of a square meter (ie, 50 cm × 50 cm), 30 cm deep. Careful inspection, check the advantages of species, conversion per square meter number of insects.
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有些象鼻虫幼虫生活于土内,并以成虫或幼虫在土室中越冬,饲养观察较为困难。1961-63年我们在福州对大灰象虫(Sympiezomia lewisi Roel.)进行了生活史研究,摸索了一些饲养技
棉铃疫病(Phytophthora boehmeriae Sawada.)是上海郊区棉花烂铃的主要病害。通过对棉铃疫病菌的生物学特性和发生条件等研究,明确了土壤中病铃壳上的厚垣孢子是其主要越冬形
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