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在教学实践中,我们常碰到这种情况,同样是从初一开始学英语,同是一个老师教,一部分学生越学越好,兴趣越来越大;但有一部分学生虽然求知欲望高,学习也刻苦,但成绩总不理想,渐渐失去学习信心;甚至有一部分学生受到当前农村学英语无用论思想的影响,认为又不出国,干嘛学英语;再加上没有一定的语言环境,学起来效率低。新课改给传统的英语课堂带来了很大的变化,也给众多的教师带来了挑战。课改的核心理念是:为了每一位学生的发展,为了学生的全面发展。那么,在新课改理念的指导下如何帮助每一位学生提高英语学习效率,让他们全面发展起来呢?在教学实践中,我做了一些探索和尝试。 In teaching practice, we often encounter this situation, the same is from the very beginning to learn English, with a teacher to teach, some students learn more and better, growing interest; but some students although the desire to know, Learning is also hard, but the results are not ideal, and gradually lose confidence in learning; and even some students are influenced by the theory of useless English in rural schools, that they do not go abroad, why do you learn English; coupled with the lack of a certain language environment, It is inefficient. The new curriculum reform to the traditional English classroom has brought great changes, but also to many teachers has brought challenges. The core concept of curriculum reform is: for each student’s development, for the all-round development of students. So, under the guidance of the new curriculum reform concept, how to help each student to improve the efficiency of English learning so that they can fully develop? In teaching practice, I made some exploration and try.
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