《决定》指路 更上层楼

来源 :卫生经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ztldkd
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《中共中央、国务院关于卫生改革与发展的决定》是指引我们发展卫生事业、增进人民健康的跨世纪的纲领性文件。《决定》中涉及许多卫生经济问题,有些是卫生经济学界多年研究的成果,得到党和国家的肯定;有些是长期争论未决的难题,《决定》作出了科学的结论;还有些是方向、原则已经明确,机理、措施尚待深入研究解决的课题。卫生经济学界同仁学习《决定》,既倍感亲切欣慰,又深知任重道远。下面举其要者,略作浅议。 The “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Health Reform and Development” is a cross-century programmatic document that guides us in the development of health and the promotion of people’s health. The “Decision” covers many health economic issues, some of which have been the fruit of many years of research in the health economics community and have been affirmed by the party and the country; some are the unresolved problems of long-term disputes. The “Decision” has made scientific conclusions; The principle has been clear, the mechanism and measures have yet to be further studied and solved. The “decisions” of colleagues in the health economics community are both cordial and gratifying, and they know that they have a long way to go. Here are some of the highlights.
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成年哺乳动物脊髓神经元细胞已丧失有丝分裂能力 ,虽然损伤以后仍能够通过终末出芽、侧支出芽或代偿性出芽方式再生 ,但这种再生能力极为有限 ,很快夭折。这既与脊髓神经元周
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