
来源 :中国媒介生物学及控制杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rongsiyouyu
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目的通过对某建设集团尼日利亚项目部建设工地疟疾、伤寒疫情的调查与处置,为涉外建设项目传染病疫情的预防控制提供经验,尤其是对疟疾、伤寒疫情的处置提供指导。方法 2013年6月采用现场走访和回顾性调查等方法进行流行病学调查。采用疟疾实验室病原学镜检疟原虫、伤寒实验室血培养等方法确诊病例。结果建设工地74人中,患疟疾3例,同时患有疟疾和伤寒的4例,携带伤寒杆菌者26例,其中包括食堂仅有的3名厨师。在工作组专家的指导和帮助下,对疟疾患者进行规范治疗,对伤寒患者及伤寒杆菌携带者进行隔离和针对性治疗,对患有疟疾或伤寒伴有其他基础性疾病的工人接回国内进行规范性治疗。结论消灭蚊虫、清除蚊虫孳生地、加强个人防护和避免蚊虫叮咬是预防疟疾的重要措施,可以在尼日利亚疟疾流行区进一步推广。 Objectives To provide experience in the prevention and control of epidemic situation of infectious diseases involving foreign construction projects through investigation and disposal of malaria and typhoid epidemic in the construction site of a construction project in Nigerian project department, especially to provide guidance on the treatment of malaria and typhoid fever. Methods June 2013 by means of on-site visits and retrospective investigations and other methods of epidemiological investigation. Using malaria laboratory etiology mirror Plasmodium, typhoid laboratory blood culture and other methods confirmed cases. Results Among 74 construction workers, there were 3 malaria cases, 4 malaria cases and typhoid fever cases, 26 cases of typhoid fever cases, including only 3 chefs in the canteen. Under the guidance and assistance of the experts from the working group, standard treatment of malaria patients, quarantine and targeted treatment of typhoid fever and typhoid bacillus carriers were carried out, and domestic workers with malaria or typhoid fever accompanied by other basic diseases were taken back home Normative treatment. Conclusion The elimination of mosquitoes, the removal of mosquito breeding grounds, the enhancement of personal protection and the avoidance of mosquito bites are important measures to prevent malaria and can be further promoted in the malaria-endemic area of ​​Nigeria.
圣莫尔杀妻案震惊了整个美国的娱乐界。谁都不能相信,在这个美国影坛上倍受敬重的艺术家的背后,竟然有着如此不堪的情感历程和家庭生活。军营“爱情”埋下致命的苦果  1 933年冬天,圣莫尔出生于美国新泽西州一个贫寒的家庭。7岁那年,他的母亲因病去世,一年后,父亲与一个年轻的女子再度组成了家庭。  那时,圣莫尔的家境很贫穷,只有一间卧室。继母无法忍受与他共居一室,因此,他只好抱着被子乖乖地睡到窄小的储藏室
“新”“立异”不以为高。偶尔读一篇介绍胡适先生的文章,摘得只句,颇觉言简意赅,倡新但不以“新”自名好,求异而不以“异”自居高,这种求新态度,不仅 “New” “innovatio
无花果育苗的关键技术是选择高燥、沙性、偏碱土壤;剪取壮枝,沙埋过冬,斜插入土;追肥宜迟,先轻后重等. Fig seedling is the key technology is to choose high dry, sandy,