
来源 :国际商法论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuming_wu
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本文对涉及商标淡化的主要法律问题进行了较为深入的研究,以期建立起一套符合中国国情的较为完整的商标淡化规则体系。全文共分八个部分。第一部分讨论了反淡化法的适用领域,主要涉及在相同或类似商品上使用与在先商标相同或近似的商标能否构成淡化的问题。第二部分主要研究反淡化法的保护对象,具体涉及反淡化法的保护对象仅限于商标,还是也包括商标以外的其他商业标志;就商标而言,是仅限于常规类型商标和注册商标,还是也包括非常规类型商标以及未注册的驰名商标。第三部分讨论受保护商标的适格性,即一个商标需具备什么样的条件才有资格获得反淡化保护。本文认为,受保护商标须商标高度驰名并具有突出显著性。第四部分讨论了在先商标和在后商标的近似程度,即在后商标需要在多大程度上与在先商标近似,其使用才可能被认定构成淡化。本文认为在先商标和在后商标需近似到足以使公众认为两者实质上为同一商标,在后商标的使用才可能构成淡化。第五部分涉及商标淡化的行为类型问题,具体讨论了弱化、退化和丑化三种行为。本文认为丑化不应作为商标淡化的一种类型对待。第六部分分析了在后商标的何种具体使用方式可能构成商业性使用,从而可能构成淡化。第七部分主要探讨了对商标淡化的损害后果的认定。本文主张,只要有淡化可能的存在,即可认定淡化,而不需要实际的淡化。第八部分讨论了商标淡化的各种例外,主要包括比较广告、滑稽模仿和有正当理由的使用。 This article makes a more in-depth study on the main legal issues concerning trademark dilution, with a view to establishing a more complete system of trademark dilution rules in line with China's national conditions. The full text is divided into eight parts. The first part discusses the field of application of anti-dilution law, mainly related to the same or similar goods using the same or similar to the previous trademark trademark can dilute the issue. The second part focuses on the object of anti-dilution law protection, specifically relates to anti-dilution law protection only limited to trademarks, but also includes other commercial marks other than trademark; trademark is concerned, is limited to conventional types of trademarks and registered trademarks, or Also includes unconventional types of trademarks as well as unregistered well-known trademarks. The third part discusses the suitability of the protected trademark, that is, what kind of conditions a trademark needs to be entitled to anti-dilution protection. This paper argues that the trademark must be well-known trademark and has prominence. The fourth section discusses the approximation of prior and subsequent trademarks, that is, the extent to which the subsequent trademark needs to be similar to the prior trademark, and its use may be deemed as dilutive. This paper argues that the prior and subsequent trademarks need to be similar enough to make the public think the two are essentially the same trademarks, and the subsequent use of trademarks may be diluted. The fifth part deals with the question of the types of behavior of trademark dilution, and specifically discusses the three behaviors of weakening, regression and vilification. This article argues that vilification should not be treated as a type of trademark dilution. The sixth part analyzes what kind of specific usage patterns of the later trademarks may constitute commercial use, which may constitute weakening. The seventh part mainly discusses the identification of the damage consequences of trademark dilution. This paper argues that as long as there is desalination possible, we can identify the desalination, without the need to dilute the actual. Section 8 discusses various exceptions to trademark dilution, including comparative advertising, parody, and justified use.
老师说过:“学就要学最好的,比就要比最强的。”比赛是为了提高,如果让我选择奥运竞赛对手,我就选择刘翔。当然不是和他比跨栏了。那比什么呢?   请先看看我俩的成长经历和成绩:   2008年悉尼奥运会。   刘翔:2000年8月入国家青年队,17岁,教练是孙海平。运动最好成绩:2000年世界青年锦标赛110米栏第四。   我:2000年9月入青岛市幼儿园,3岁,老师是高真。运动最好成绩:2000年幼
6月5日 晴  在阅览室里,我津津有味地看着《捣蛋鬼日记》,只听“嚓”的一声,咦,是怎么回事?原来是我旁边那位小妹妹把书撕成了两半!  只见她若无其事地把书放进抽屉,但是她犹豫了一下,又把撕坏的书拿了出来。这时,她脸涨得通红,甚至都不敢呼吸了!突然,一位管理员阿姨神不知鬼不觉地朝我们走来说:“小妹妹,你鬼鬼祟祟地干什么呢?”“没,没什么,只是想找一本我想要的书而已!”她结结巴巴地说。“哦,你想找什