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随着现代科技的发展,广告在人们生活中的作用越来越明显。大街上随处可见的广告充斥着人们的生活。广告无时不在,无处不在,它在潜移默化中影响着消费者的生活,无形中影响着消费者对消费产品的选择。广告不仅为消费者传递产品的信息,帮助其选择选择消费,也影响了消费者消费观念的变化。现代社会,广告传播的方式日益繁多,有报纸,电视,网络,传单,户外,橱窗等。而信息方式的广泛应用也使得广告的传播手段更加的多样化。其多样的传播方式使得消费者可以更加便捷地取得广告产品的信息。消费者通过广告获得其产品的信息,但是其信息是广告主通过广告想要告知消费者的信息。消费者通过广告了解其产品的信息,包括价格,质量,信誉及其活动内容。当你看到广告上的所叙述的产品信息,你可能会为它所阐述的内容而心动,进而购买。你也有可能会因为看到产品的华丽的包装或是其拍摄的广告内容而心动,进而购买其产品。当你因为广告而购买其产品的时候,其广告的使命也就达到了。由此可以看出,广告对消费者的影响显而易见。有的时候,好的广告宣传可以帮助一个品牌发展。但是,有些虚假广告的泛滥严重影响着我们的生活,其中有些为了吸引消费者故意夸大产品的效果。而那些因为广告中所宣传的效果而去购买其产品的消费者,在使用过产品后,发现其效果并不如广告中所宣传的那样,从而对广告产生抵触心理。广告对消费者的影响有好有坏。 With the development of modern science and technology, the role of advertising in people’s life is more and more obvious. Ads on the streets are full of people’s lives. Advertising everywhere, everywhere, it affects the life of the subtle influence of consumers, virtually affect the consumer choice of consumer products. Advertising is not only for consumers to pass the product information to help them choose to choose to consume, but also affect the changes in consumer attitudes. In modern society, there are more and more ways to spread advertisements. There are newspapers, television, internet, leaflets, outdoor and shop windows. The widespread use of information has also made advertising a more diversified means of communication. Its diverse modes of delivery allow consumers to more easily obtain information on advertising products. Consumers get the information of their products through advertisements, but the information is the information that advertisers want to inform consumers through advertisements. Consumers know about their products through advertising, including price, quality, reputation, and content of their activities. When you see the narrated product information on the ad, you may be motivated by what it says and buy it. You may also buy your product by seeing the gorgeous packaging of the product or the content of its shots. When you buy your product for advertising, your advertising mission is fulfilled. It can be seen, the impact of advertising on the consumer is obvious. Sometimes, good advertising can help a brand. However, the proliferation of some fake advertisements has seriously affected our lives. Some of them are designed to attract consumers to intentionally exaggerate the effects of their products. Consumers who buy their products because of the advertised effect, after using the product, find that their performance is not as advertised as advertised, which can be counterproductive. The impact of advertising on consumers is mixed.
目的 探讨优质护理对失代偿期肝硬化患者自我管理能力及生活质量的影响。方法 94例失代偿期肝硬化患者,以简单随机法分为对照组和观察组,每组47例。对照组实施常规护理干预,