《机械制造》杂志第五、六期发表苏中元的“一位微处理机在机械制造中的应用”一文,好得很,也登得及时!在各工业领域,大量的控制是开关量控制,一位微机正是为适应这种开关量控制而设计的,所以又称为“工业控制单元”。它结构简单、价格便宜、工作可靠、易于编程、抗干扰能力强,在美、日等工业发达国家已成为最普及、最基本的工业控制微机,年产量在数百万套以上。近年来,一位机已大量取代了各种程控器和继电器控制装置,获得极大的经济效益。国外学者普遍认为,一位机的出现已经在工业控制领域引一起场意义深远的变革。 1978年以来,我国开始注意研究一位机,经过几年的推广应用,在冶金、机械、纺织、食品、塑料加工等工业部门也有很多应用成功的例子。国
In the fifth and sixth issue of “Machine Manufacturing” magazine, Su Zhongyuan’s article “Application of a Microprocessor in Mechanical Manufacturing” was very good and timely. In various industrial fields, a large number of controls are switch quantity control. A microcomputer is designed to adapt to this switch control, so it is also called “industrial control unit.” Its simple structure, low price, reliable work, easy programming, strong anti-interference ability, it has become the most popular and basic industrial control microcomputer in the United States, Japan and other industrial countries. Its annual output is more than one million sets. In recent years, a machine has largely replaced various program controllers and relay control devices, and has achieved great economic benefits. Foreign scholars generally believe that the emergence of a machine has led to far-reaching changes in the industrial control field. Since 1978, China has begun to pay attention to the research of a machine. After several years of popularization and application, there are many successful applications in the metallurgy, machinery, textile, food, and plastics processing industries. country