以推进“三化”为主线 搞好省城全面小康社会建设

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全面建设小康社会是党的十六大描绘的宏伟蓝图,是我们党新时期新阶段的庄严使命,是顺乎人民群众意愿的伟大事业,是实践“三个代表”重要思想的根本要求。作为湖南的省会城市,在全面建设小康社会的征途中,长沙理应走在前头,为此,我们的奋斗目标是:到2014年率先在全省全面建设小康社会,GDP比2000年翻两番,总量达到2700亿元,人均5000美元以上;到2020年,国内生产总值突破4800亿元,为基本实现现代化奠定坚实基础。一、坚持走新型工业化道路,强力推进工业化进程。一是优先发展高新技术产业,以技术创新推进工业化。大力发展以信息产业为龙头的高新技术产业,着力提升和壮大电子信息,生物工程新材料、光机电一体化等为重点的高新技术产业,使之成为促进我市经济增长的先导力量,紧紧抓住产品开发、设备更新、替代进口和工艺创新等重要环节,加快运用高新技术和先进适用改造提升传统产业,着重实施好长沙烟厂、LG曙光、长丰集团等项目的升级改造和行业振兴。大力推广微电子、柔性生产技术、网络技术的应用,提升企业 Building a Well-off Society in All-Round is the Magnificent Blueprint Depicted by the 16th National Congress of the CPC. It is the solemn mission of our party in the new phase of the new period and a great undertaking commensurate with the wishes of the people. It is also the fundamental requirement for practicing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents.’ . As Hunan’s capital city, Changsha should go ahead in the journey of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. To this end, our goal is to take the lead in building an overall well-to-do society in our province by 2014, with GDP doubling from 2000, With a total amount of 270 billion yuan and a per capita income of more than 5,000 U.S. dollars. By 2020, China’s GDP will exceed 480 billion yuan, laying a solid foundation for the basic realization of modernization. First, adhere to the new path of industrialization, and vigorously promote the process of industrialization. First, give priority to the development of high-tech industries and promote industrialization with technological innovations. Vigorously develop the high-tech industry with the information industry as the leading force, strive to enhance and expand the high-tech industry with the focus on electronic information, new materials for bioengineering, integration of opto-mechatronics, and make it a leading force in promoting the economic growth of our city. Seize the important links such as product development, equipment renewal, import substitution and process innovation, speed up the use of high technology and advanced adaptation and upgrading to upgrade traditional industries, and focus on the implementation of the upgrading and rejuvenation of Changsha Tobacco Factory, LG Dawning, Changfeng Group and other industries. Vigorously promote the application of microelectronics, flexible production technology and network technology to enhance the enterprise
目的 :研究角色扮演在内科护理教学中的应用并对效果进行观察。方法 :选取学校2015级护理专业两个班级的学生作为本次的研究对象,并根据班级分为观察组和对照组。对照组48人,
物价指数为何呈下滑趋势 最近,国家统计局发布的报告显示,居民消费价格指数和零售物价指数同比继续下降。按剔除季节因素以后的月度变化来说,这两个指数在3、4月份每月下降1
全国语言学暑期高级讲习班(China Linguistics Summer Institute,简称CLSI)自2016年起,将由复旦大学、南开大学、中国社会科学院语言研究所轮流主办,每两年举办一次。根据教
霍普山水电工程位于新泽西北部,它是一个2000MW 的抽水蓄能水电站,于1996年开工。该工程为经联邦能源管理委员会(FERC)批准施工的第三大水电站。该工程将于2002年投入运行,