
来源 :中国拍卖 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong438
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3个标的、13分钟的竞价过程、13.2万元的成交额.对于任何一个拍卖公司来说,这都是一场小的不能再小的拍卖会。然而,9月9日上午的奥运物资专场拍卖会现场,却吸引了国内外几十家平面和电视媒体的关注。这是北京奥运会物资的首次公开拍卖,“后奥运”阶段奥运资产大规模公开处置大幕自此拉开。就在第二天,首批京 PQ 牌照的奥运服务车在北京进行了拍卖,备受关注的奥运车辆处置提上了日程。此外,二度车网的奥运车专拍区域开通,“一万多人下订单要参与竞拍,大大出乎了我们的意料。”二度车网总裁蒋为说。得到媒体一致认可的是一通过拍卖这种公开的市场机制来处置奥运资产,开创了奥运史上的先河。“奥运资产拍卖不在于成交额的多少,而在于拍卖这种最能体现公正、公平、公开的市场运作方式.得到了政府的认可,让更多的普通群众注意到拍卖,更深的了解拍卖,认可拍卖。这对于推动刚刚在中国恢复发展20余年的拍卖业来说,是个最大的机遇。”主槌首场奥运会物资拍卖的拍卖师夏钢寨说。 3-bidder, 13-minute bidding process, 132,000 yuan turnover for any one auction company, this is a small auction can no longer be small. However, on the morning of September 9, the scene of the Olympic materials auction attracted the attention of dozens of domestic and foreign print and television media. This is the first public auction of materials for the Beijing Olympic Games and the curtain of large-scale public disposal of Olympic assets in the post-Olympic period has since opened. On the very next day, the first batch of Olympic service vehicles with the Beijing PQ license was auctioned in Beijing, and the most concerned Olympic vehicle disposal was put on the agenda. In addition, the second car network opened a special Olympic area, “more than 10,000 people to place an order to participate in the auction, much beyond our expectations. ” Second car network president Jiang said. It is unanimously recognized by the media that the sale of Olympic assets through the auction of such an open market mechanism has created a precedent in the history of the Olympic Games. “The auction of the Olympic assets is not about the amount of the turnover, but rather the auction that best reflects the fair, fair and open market operation. Has been recognized by the government, so that more ordinary people noticed the auction, a deeper understanding of the auction , Approving the auction, which is the greatest opportunity for the auction industry that has just resumed its development in China for more than 20 years. ”" Xia Chazhai, the auctioneer of the first Olympic material auction, said.
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我们学习英语时最常接触的就是语法,那么你对所有格写法、分号和分词结构究竟懂多少呢?BBC网站最近发布了10道语法测试题,难住了不少人。挑战一下吧,看看哪道题会难倒你!  3. Read this sentence carefully. “I’d like to introduce you to my sister Clara, who lives in Madrid, to Benedict, m
他/她穿着用雕牌洗衣粉洗净的李宁运动套装,坐在长虹电视机前喝着百事可乐,口袋里还装着爱国者MP3和一包红塔山……  这是我们看到的他/她的形象。而在他/她的脑海中,则把自己设想成另一个形象:  脚踏百丽,外套Nike,听着iPod,喝酒喝茅台,吸烟吸中华,出门开宝马……  以上描述不是“天外来音”,而是《2008中国消费者理想品牌大调查》给出的启示。人们常说“理想高于现实”,在中国消费市场尤其如此