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1954年局属各企业在党和政府领导下,及全体职工努力下,全面完成了国家计划,这一成绩是肯定的。但应当指出,企业经营财务工作方面,一年来虽亦有所改进和提高,却仍落后于生产发展的要求,如产销严重脱节,成本主要项目普遍超支,国家资财管理混乱,积压浪费和违反财政纪律现象大量存在等,都说明企业经营财务工作十分薄弱;恰恰在这一方面,企业领导未予足够重视,致落后情况未能及时扭转。根据重工业部关于生产企业1955年成本财务工作与材料供应工作的指示,结合二月间厂矿长会议布置的1955年企业中心工作和重 Under the leadership of the party and the government and the efforts of all the staff and workers in 1954, all the enterprises under their control have fully completed the state plan. This result is affirmative. However, it should be pointed out that although financial operations of enterprises have also been improved and improved over the past year, they still lag behind the requirements of production development. For instance, the output and sales are seriously out of line with the major overruns in the cost of major projects, the chaotic management of state assets, the backlog of waste and the violation of public finance The existence of a large number of disciplinary phenomena, etc., all indicate that the financial management of enterprises is very weak. It is precisely in this respect that the leaders of enterprises have not paid enough attention to the situation and the backwardness has not been reversed in time. According to the instructions of the Ministry of Heavy Industry on the work of cost and financial work and material supply in 1955 for manufacturing enterprises, in light of the work and weight of the Enterprise Center in 1955 organized by the Factory and Minerals Conference in February
1.取适量的废啤酒掺入清水中浸洗头发,可使头发柔顺光亮,并能起到护发作用。 1. Take the right amount of waste beer mixed with water immersion hair, make hair suppl
家居生活小心铅中毒 油漆、涂料、铅尘、土壤、旧水管、陶瓷 、水晶等器皿及一些玩具、文具、食品中都含有铅。铅是一种有毒物质,如果吸食铅过多,可以危害神经系统、心脏和呼吸
首先把头发平均分成几个发区,每个发区的大小应与卷发筒的底部相约,90度提拉发束进行操作。 First hair evenly divided into several hair areas, each hair size should
为早期诊断肝细胞癌(HCC),人们常用超声检查对高危人群进行筛选。但很少有关于肝超声表现与HCC发生之间相互关系的报道,为此本文进行了前瞻性长期随访研究。 For the early