Significance of Experiments on the Relationship of Spleen Deficiency Syndrome with Gastrin and Somat

来源 :中国中西医结合杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaffee0929
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Objective: To explore the relationship among gast ri n, somatostatin and pathogenesis of spleen deficiency syndrome (SDS). Me thods: The changes of gastrin and somatostatin in body fluid and tissues were measured by radioimmunoassay. G cells (gastrin cells) and D cells (s omatostatin cells) of gastroduodenal mucosa were analyzed with polyclonal antibo dy to gastrin and somatostatin, immunohistochemical technique and Quantimet 500 image analysis system. Sijunzi decoction (四君子汤, SJZD) was chosen for counter -co nfirmation of syndrome. Results: The levels of gastrin in plasma, gastric juice, intestinal juice, gastric antrum, duodenum and hypothalamus of e x perimental SDS were significantly lowered and somatostatin markedly higher than the control group, which was improved and even better than spontaneous recovery group after prevention and treatment with SJZD (P<0.05). The count of G cell s and D cells reduced (P<0.05), the area of D cells declined (P<0.05), but m ean grey of G cells elevated (P<0.05) and ratio of the count and area on G/D also in crea sed (P<0.05) in experimental SDS, which was improved and even better than sp onta neous recovery group after prevention and treatment with SJZD (P<0.05). Con clusion: The study confirmed that disturbance of relationship betwee n gastrin and somatostatin would lead to gastrointestinal disorder, which was on e of important causes for pathogenesis of SDS.
本刊讯 日前,浙江省新墙办主任黄勇一行赴杭州大江东产业集聚区,调研远大住工(浙江)有限公司生产基地.杭州市新墙办主任庞文德、大江东集聚区经发局相关领导随同调研.
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