
来源 :华中科技大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wc420178
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将凹坑型非光滑表面分别布置在汽车工业研究协会(MIRA)给出的直背式模型的顶部和尾部,研究顶部非光滑和尾部非光滑单独作用时的减阻效果,并通过耦合的方法,研究顶部和尾部共同作用时的减阻效果.通过CFD数值计算方法,得出模型的尾流、压力、剪应力以及湍动能等参数,对比模型在不同形式下的减阻效果,并分析减阻原因.研究结果表明:凹坑型非光滑表面能减小模型尾部负压,从而减小压差阻力,并降低湍动能,减小能量耗散;顶部和尾部非光滑的耦合作用略强于单独作用,但小于两者之和. The concave non-smooth surfaces are respectively arranged at the top and the tail of the straight-back model given by the Association of Automotive Industry (MIRA). The drag reduction effect when the top non-smooth and the tail non-smooth are studied is studied respectively. , The drag reduction effect when the top and the tail work together is studied.The parameters of the wake, pressure, shear stress and turbulent kinetic energy of the model are obtained by the CFD numerical calculation method, and the drag reducing effect of the model in different forms is compared and analyzed The results show that the dimple non-smooth surface can reduce the negative pressure at the tail of the model, so as to reduce the pressure drop resistance, reduce the turbulent kinetic energy and reduce the energy dissipation. The coupling between the top and tail non-smoothness is slightly stronger Single role, but less than the sum of the two.
Abnormal coronary endothelial reactivity has been demonstrated in diabetes and is associated with an increased rate of cardiovascular events. Our objectives wer
本文主要对我馆教师阅览室的读者现状进行了分析,然后对在网络环境下,如何建设好教师阅览室提出了自己几点看法。 This article mainly analyzes the present situation of
某化工厂厂区采用铜镀钢为垂直接地体,裸铜线为水平接地体,通过对各个厂房进行接地电阻计算,计算出全厂的接地电阻是否满足规范要求。 A chemical plant using copper plati