
来源 :齐齐哈尔社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lelerui
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抗日战争胜利后,中国面临着两种命运、两个前途抉择的紧要历史关头,党中央和毛主席确立了“向北发展,向南防御”的战略方针。根据这个方针,我党下定最大决心,投入最大力量开辟东北根据地。1945年9月15日,党中央决定成立中共中央东北局,派出二十多位中央委员,并从华北、山东等解放区抽出一百多个团的兵力和大批干部,进入东北,领导东北人民,消灭日寇和伪满残余,肃清汉奸,剿除土匪,建立各级地方民主政府。 中共中央东北局为了加快开辟根据地工作,分别成立了东满、南满、北满、西满四个分局。 After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, China was facing a crucial historical moment with two destiny choices and two future choices. The CPC Central Committee and Chairman Mao established the strategic principle of “developing northward and defensive facing southward.” According to this guideline, our party has made the utmost determination and devoted the greatest efforts to opening up the northeast base area. On September 15, 1945, the Central Party Committee decided to set up a northeast bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, sent more than 20 members of the Central Committee, and extracted over 100 regimental forces and a large number of cadres from the liberated areas in north China and Shandong and other places to enter the northeast and lead the northeast people. Eliminate the Japanese invaders and puppet Manchurian remnants, eliminate traitors, eliminate bandits and establish local democratic governments at all levels. In order to speed up the work of opening up base areas, the Northeast Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China set up four branches of East Manchuria, South Manchuria, Manchuria and Manchuria, respectively.
【正】 12月5日我市又一个社联和科协共同领导的学术团体老年学学会在湖滨饭店举行成立大会。学会的宗旨是组织团结全市有志于老年学研究的科学工作者、老龄工作者和各界人士
【正】 依照企业领导体制改革的本意,一方面是通过实行厂长负责制,加强对生产经营工作的管理和指挥,另一方面是通过改善党的领导来加强党对企业的领导。然而前一个时期的实际
【正】我们应用日本学者小田于1987年介绍的椎间盘摘除椎弓成形术之技术,对34例腰椎间盘突出症患者施行了手术。经一年以上的随访,疗效满意。 临床资料 本组于1988年~1991年10