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为了悼念本刊主编尚天裕教授 ,中国中西医结合学会骨伤科专业委员会、中国中医研究院骨伤科研究所暨《中国骨伤》杂志编辑部 ,于 2 0 0 2年 8月 3日在北京举行了继承发扬尚天裕教授学术思想座谈会。国家中医药管理局、中国中医研究院、中国中西医结合学会、中华中医药学会、天津医院等单位领导和专家 ,以及尚天裕教授的学生约 70余人 ,怀着无比沉痛的心情应邀到会 ,尚天裕教授的夫人吴竖平教授参加了座谈会。《中国骨伤》杂志自创刊 15年来 ,尚天裕教授一直担任主编 ,在他严谨的治学作风和忘我的敬业精神影响下 ,杂志的质量和水平在不断地提高 ,分别获得了首届国家期刊奖的提名奖、中医药优秀期刊奖 ,进入了中国期刊方阵双奖期刊。尚天裕教授开创了中西医结合治疗骨折的先河 ,他提出的治疗骨折的四大原则即“动静结合 (固定与运动相结合 )、筋骨并重 (骨折愈合与功能恢复同时并进 )、内外兼治 (局部治疗与整体治疗兼顾 )、医患合作 (医疗措施与患者的主观能动性相配合 )”充满了辩证法。其中动与静、筋与骨、内与外、人与物的辨证关系不仅适用于治疗骨折 ,也适用于骨伤科的其他领域。他曾在 1985年“创中西医结合治疗骨折新路 ,为国争光”一文中深有体会地写到 :在西医学习中医的过程中 ,要首先钻进去 , In order to pay tribute to Prof. Shang Tianyu, chief editor of this journal, the Department of Orthopedics, the Chinese Society of Integrative Medicine, the Department of Orthopedic Research, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Editorial Department of China Orthopedics, August 3, 2002 Held in Beijing to carry forward and promote Professor Shang Tianyu academic thought forum. Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Academy of Integrative Medicine, Chinese Medicine Society, Tianjin Hospital and other unit leaders and experts, and Professor Shang Tianyu about 70 students, with great pain was invited to the meeting Professor Wu Tiiping, Professor Shang Tianyu, attended the symposium. In the 15 years since its founding, Professor Shang Tianyu has been the chief editor of China Osteotomy Magazine. Under the influence of his rigorous academic style and selfless dedication, the quality and level of magazines have been continuously improved, winning the titles of the first national periodical award Nomination award, Chinese medicine outstanding periodical award, entered the Chinese periodical double-award winning periodical. Professor Shang Tianyu created a precedent for the treatment of fractures with integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine. The four principles he proposed for the treatment of fractures are “combination of movement and rest (combination of fixation and exercise), equal emphasis on bones (healing and functional recovery concurrently) Local treatment and the overall treatment of both), doctor-patient cooperation (medical measures and patients’ subjective initiative) is full of dialectics. Which dynamic and static, tendons and bones, inside and outside, the dialectical relationship between people and things not only applies to the treatment of fractures, but also for other areas of orthopedics. He had written in 1985 in a document entitled ”Creating a New Road to Combining Fractures with Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine for the Glory of the Country" in 1985: In the process of learning Chinese medicine in Western medicine, we should first drill into it,
"中国的居里夫人"何泽慧,是中国科学院首批学部委员,他与丈夫钱三强为中国成功研制第一颗原子弹,做出了极为重要的贡献。当提到她传奇经历的时候,人们不得不提到她的祖籍--山西省灵石县埋在深山、紧靠汾河的两渡村,提到其父何澄走南闯北、四处奔波的足迹,因为她早期的成长与父亲的教育有着极大的关系。    父亲与家世    何泽慧的父亲名澄,字亚农(1880-1946),自号两渡村人,别号真山,世居山西灵石县
吴咸中 ,1 92 5年 8月 8日生。原籍辽宁省新民县 ,满族。 1 948年毕业于沈阳医学院本科 (6年制 ) ,1 961年复毕业于天津中医学院第二期西医离职学习中医班。1 948年起在天津
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