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苹果的重组已有几次了,大致是:裁员。裁员之外,还能干些什么呢?最新的重组计划出台了,对Apple还抱有希望的业界人士又有了新的助兴的谈资。“集中精力于优势产品领域”,似乎已成了这次重组的主题,虽然也不排除人员的“减肥”。在本次企业重组中,苹果将缩短战线,集中有生力量打运动战—这是在全面防御失败以后的必然选择。开始苹果是全线防卫的,力求外线作战。个人电脑兴起之初,苹果曾很兴旺了几年,但随后的IBM兼容机冲击潮(如Compaq等)将它逼上了改组的道路。这次改组可谓大动干戈了,Open Doc组器件、Cyberdog、OpenTransport、Mac OS DevelopmentTool等都将维持现状,不再开发升级,Video Conferencing Solution(视频会议解决方案)及AIX服务器软 Apple’s restructuring has been several times, roughly: layoffs. What else can be done in addition to layoffs? The latest restructuring plan has been launched, and new business-friendly talks have been held with respect to Apple’s hopeful industry players. “Focus on the dominant product areas” seems to have become the subject of this reorganization, although it does not rule out the “lose weight” of personnel. In this restructuring of the company, Apple will shorten the front line and focus on having a living force to fight the war – this is the inevitable choice after a total defense failure. At the beginning, Apple is full-line defense and strives to fight outside. At the beginning of the rise of personal computers, Apple had been thriving for several years, but the subsequent IBM-compatible machine impact (such as Compaq, etc.) forced it on the road to restructuring. The reorganization can be described as a big move, Open Doc group devices, Cyberdog, OpenTransport, Mac OS DevelopmentTool, etc. will maintain the status quo, no development and upgrading, Video Conferencing Solution (video conferencing solutions) and AIX server software
AV领域世界巨头——索尼公司近日在东京宣布即将推出的下一代音视频产品“Netman”,这是一个具有网络功能且与该公司闻名全世的“Walkman”产品相似的设备。 Sony Corp., t
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Lotus 于12月1日宣布了一个新的Domino.Doc版本,并勾画出自己在建立新一代文档管理解决方案中的领导地位。 Lotus Domino.Doc是该公司第一个也是唯一的文档管理解决方案,它
从12月24日起,由中国科技信息研究所万方数据软件中心自行开发的国产大型多媒体全文数据库软件产品Quick IMS通用信息管理系统5.0及IMS Web Server 2.0,将正式进入北京大学
1.Lexmark成立于1991年3月27日,是从有数十年打印机研制生产经验的IBM打印机制造生产部IPD(Information Product Division)独立出来的,至今IBM仍是Lexmark的主要股东之一。