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Q90是澳大利亚昆士兰糖业试验站育的甘蔗品种。轻工部甘蔗研究所近年引进在湛江试验站试种,表现比较突出,蔗株直立,前期生长很快,抗倒能力比较强。我校于1985年引种,1986—87两年进行比较试验,结果如下:一、试验材料与方法1986年参试品种有 F172、桂11、Q90。试验小区宽7米,长10米,行距1米,小区 Q90 is a sugar cane variety bred in Queensland Sugar Australia. In recent years, the sugarcane research institute of Ministry of Light Industry introduced the trial planting in Zhanjiang Experimental Station, with outstanding performance. The sugarcane plants were upright, grew rapidly in the early stage, and had strong lodging resistance. Our school introduced in 1985, 1986-87 two years of comparative tests, the results are as follows: First, the test materials and methods 1986 varieties tested with F172, Gui 11, Q90. Test plot width of 7 meters, 10 meters long, row spacing of 1 meter, plot
发展秋马铃薯生产,对我省冬季农业和旱地农业具有重要意义.它可以提高复种指数,增产粮菜,就地留种和防止退化. 秋马铃薯播种时,通常为了打破种薯的休眠期和节约用种,进行切