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虽然上任只有9个月的时间,惠普的这位新任 CEO已经赢得了信任. 2005年12月13日的纽约刚下了一场雪, 天气已是非常的寒冷.很快就要到圣诞节了,街上的人们都是行色匆匆.但是, 纽约时报广场附近的喜来登酒店里却是一片热火朝天的景象,偌大的会议室中座无虚席,这里正在召开惠普全球分析师大会.“,”On the HP Global Analysts Conference held on December 13, 2005, newly installed HP CEO Mark Hurd announced future strategy. After the controversial HP-Compaq Merger, HP underwent years of underperformance and adjustment. When Carly Fiorina was in office, HP set the goal to become the leader of world IT giants. But the seemingly client-oriented organization structure added to the complexity of the company, while the cumbersome performance evaluation system dragged its morale. Nine months ago, Hurd, a veteran of NCR replaced the ousted Carly Fiorina as CEO, started the correction of HP's course. Now, this 48-year-old steady-going CEO has won credit and restored people's belief in HP. He is excellent in using numbers to understand the trade, set the objectives and manage the business. He puts more emphasis on operation and execution; keeps the great expectation, while streamlines the company. As a minimalist, he restored the Personal Systems Group (PSG) from Image and Printing Group (IPG), thus reorganized HP into three relatively independent groups with clearer responsibilities. PSG doubled its margin profit; IPG continued the expansion of its business and development of new products. With more resources in their hands, the profit of Technology Solutions Group (TSG) increased 48% in 2005. The conference declared the layoff of 15,300 staff in the future, as well as the creation of more positions in developing countries. Within this nine-month New Deal, major groups are reviving at the same time. Hurd is cited as HP's Lou Gerstner, Jr. Just as what IBM had done 10 years before, the giant ship of HP has raised its anchor and will sail to the new ocean. The overall strength of HP is now approaching that of IBM. Always caught between IBM and Dell, HP still lacks a clear image. Hurd dismisses any 'me too' attitude, saying HP has advantages in many core fields and will remain a tech company.
从最遭非议的跨国公司,到最受“嫉妒”的跨国公司, 微软在中国如何完成这一戏剧性的转变?
5年来国内上市公司高速增长的业绩在2005年首次回落; 2005年,亏损上市公司达259家,18.82%的亏损比例高于4年的平均水平; 2006年第一季度,上市公司的业绩同比显著下降,上下游行
在西方思想传统里,有几位特别不容易被西方人理解的思想者。赫拉克利特是其中的一位,被马克思称为“爱菲斯的晦涩哲人”。怀特海是又一位,据贺麟先生回忆,在哈佛大学,怀特海的演说是以“听了不懂”著名的。  晚年怀特海的一系列演说,被编辑成一本小册子,名为《思维方式》。时隔近70年,2004年,这小册子有了中译本。在它的前三章里,尽量不使用任何需要进一步界定的语词,怀特海阐述了这样一项本质地不同于西方思维方
近年来,随着电子通信制造行业竞争空前激烈,IT 作为提升竞争力的有力要素得到更加深入的利用。目前,中国电子行业的大多数企业正处在由部门数据处理阶段向管理信息化层次升级