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日前,乐山市举行老干部情况通报会,市委副书记、市长张彤出席会议并通报情况。市委常委、组织部部长张富国主持会议。市级部门200余名离退休干部参加会议。张彤向老干部通报了全市前三季度经济社会发展情况及下一步工作举措,特别通报了首届四川国际旅游交易博览会的情况和取得的成果,书面通报了全市党的群众路线教育实践活动开展情况。张彤代表市委、市政府向全市广大离退休干部致以亲切的问候,对老干部长期以来给予的关心、支持和帮助表示衷心的感谢。张彤指出,市委、市政府将一如既往地为老干部服好务,把老干部的待遇落实好,把老干部学习活 Recently, Leshan City held a briefing on the situation of veteran cadres, municipal party committee secretary and mayor Zhang Tong attended the meeting and informed the situation. Municipal Committee, Organization Department Zhang Fuguo presided over the meeting. More than 200 retired officials from municipal departments attended the meeting. Zhang Tong informed the veteran cadres about the economic and social development and the next step in the work of the city in the first three quarters. In particular, they reported on the first Sichuan International Tourism Trade Fair and the achievements made, and informed the city of the implementation of the party’s mass line education practice. On behalf of the municipal party committee and government, Zhang Tong extended his cordial greetings to the majority of the city’s retired cadres and expressed their heartfelt thanks to the veterans for their long-time concern, support and help. Zhang Tong pointed out that the municipal party committee and government will, as always, serve the veteran cadres, implement the treatment of veteran cadres and learn from the veteran cadres
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