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语 言是后天在生活实践中; 反复学习和练习获得的一种与人们进行交流思想、表达心灵及情感的工具。它是属于词的符号系统。语言是以语音或字形为物质外壳,以词汇为建筑材料,以语法为结构规律构成的。语言因为有物质化的语音或字形,因而能把个人的思想、情感表达出来,传给他人。语言的词汇标示着一定的事物,语言的语法规则反映着人类思维的逻辑规律,所以能够进行交流,并为人们所理解。概括地说:“语言是人类最重要的交际工具,为人类所创造,为 Language is acquired in the practice of life; repeated learning and practice to obtain a kind of exchange of ideas with people, the tools to express the soul and emotion. It belongs to the symbolic system of words. Language is phonetic or glyph for the material shell, the vocabulary for the building materials, grammar structure for the law. Because of the materialized phonetics or glyphs, language can convey individual thoughts and feelings to others. The vocabulary of language indicates certain things. The grammatical rules of language reflect the logic rules of human thinking, so they can communicate and be understood by people. To put it in a nutshell: "Language is the most important communication tool for mankind, created for mankind
在 古希腊神话故事中,有位 塞浦路斯国王叫皮格马利翁。他对一尊美丽的少女雕像产生了深深爱慕之情,不料他的激情竟然使这尊雕像产生了生机而复活了,使他俩结为良缘。 根据
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