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钨的用途极广,除了在冶金工业、电子工业中有着重要作用外,钨的同多酸、杂多酸是良好的催化剂.此外,钨的氧化物还是较有希望的阴极电色材料. 在钨丝和硬质合金工业中,通常的工艺是用钨酸或仲钨酸铵(APT)锻烧成三氧化钨,然后再用氢气还原而制得钨粉,最后将钨粉加工成各种钨材料. 六十年代初,法国、美国、荷兰等国家使用“铵钨青铜”(其组成为(NH_4)_(0.06)WO_(?))作为原料来制取钨粉或“掺杂”钨粉.为了使由“铵钨青铜”制取的钨粉具有较好的可塑性, Tungsten is widely used, in addition to the metallurgical industry, the electronics industry has an important role, the heteropoly acid of tungstic acid, heteropoly acid is a good catalyst. In addition, the tungsten oxide is more promising cathode material. In In tungsten and cemented carbide industries, the usual process is calcination of tungstic oxide with tungstic acid or ammonium paratungstate (APT), followed by reduction with hydrogen to produce tungsten powder, and finally tungsten powder into various tungsten materials. In the early 1960s, France, the United States, the Netherlands and other countries used “ammonium tungsten bronze” (the composition of (NH_4) _ (0.06) WO_ (?)) As raw material to make tungsten powder or “doped” Made from “ammonium tungsten bronze” system of tungsten powder has better plasticity,
Objective It is imperative to provide some consistent experimental results for the extraction of flavonid from Fructus Gardeniae.Methods The key extraction para
用红外光谱法进行混合物的定量分析,需先选择好混合物光谱中各个组份的特征吸收峰位置,读出相应吸收峰的吸光度,结合 Beer定律,解联立方程求解,实际只利用了几个特征峰的数
阳春三月,云南省楚雄军分区党委为勇斗歹徒光荣献身的青年民兵毛永平报请了一等功,并号召全区人武、武装干部和民兵预备役人员向他学习,争当维护社会治安的带头人。 1994年9
在规整的美国地图上,佛罗里达州是右下角狭长突出的一块。而这里的风土人情也像它的地理位置一样,有着鲜明的特点,也是那些拥有梦想的人们的天堂。 On a regular map of the