形式多样 注重实效 开展爱国主义教育

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近年来,中江县第一职高坚持把德育放在学校工作的首位,把爱国主义作为德育教育的重要内容,并贯穿于德育工作的始终,主要体现在:①严格执行《国旗法》,坚持升降国旗制度。无论吹风下雨,坚持每周一举行升国旗仪式,奏唱《中华人民共和国国歌》;行政领导轮流在国旗下讲话,对广大师生进行爱国主义教育;学校团委成立了升降国旗队,严格按《国旗法》出旗、升旗和降旗。②教职工坚持每周一次政治学习,学习党的方针、政策和有中国特色的社会主义理论,增强中华人民共和国公民的责任感和自豪感,提倡把爱祖国、爱家乡的热情融于教育工作中,为人民的教育事业无私奉献。③坚持爱国主义教 In recent years, the first high school in Zhongjiang County persists in putting moral education first in school work. Patriotism as an important content of moral education runs through moral education from the beginning to the end. They mainly include: ① Strictly implementing the “Flag Law” National flag system. Regardless of the wind and rain, they insist on holding the flag-raising ceremony every Monday and singing the “National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China.” The executive leaders spoke alternately under the national flag and patriotism education was carried out for the majority of teachers and students. The school league committee established the national flag team to lift and lower the flag, Flag Law "out of the flag, flag and flag. ② faculty members insist on weekly political study, learning the party’s principles, policies and theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics so as to enhance the sense of responsibility and pride of citizens of the People’s Republic of China and to promote the passion of loving the motherland and loving one’s hometown in education , For the people’s education selfless dedication. ③ adhere to patriotism
单发性浆细胞骨髓瘤(Solitary plasma cell myeloma of bone)属罕见病种,它在皮肤上的表现更为少见。笔者于1984年遇到一例,并连续观察到其全病程,现报告如下: 1 病例报告患
近日研读《范仲淹评传》,掩卷深思,感慨万千。“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”充分体现了范仲淹经世济民的人生理想,而他也从一个小小盐官做起到入朝为相,他用实际行动践行了自己的人生主张,向我们展示了一个封建官吏千年之前的高尚境界。范仲淹的精神和风范,对于我们今天依然有着重要的启示意义。  境界之一,执政为民。范仲淹先后在泰州、睦州、苏州、青州等地担任过地方官员,每到一地,必兢兢业业,兴利除弊,关心民
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在体外循环和体外膜式氧合(ECMO)中血液接触人工膜,血小板功能发生质和量的变化。前列腺素 E_1、前列环素和一种新的前列环素类似物——Iloprost 都能维持循环血小板的数量