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不知不觉中,一年已经过去了。我仍旧记得得知这条消息时的情形。当时我正准备睡觉,习惯性地打开了电视,想要看看《晚间新闻》。可眼前出现的一幕使我惊呆了。当看到在浓烈烟尘中奔逃的人们脸上慌张无助的神情时,当看到有人如同流星般从高楼急速坠下时,我的眼泪不知不觉流了下来。我没有想到,在阳光灿烂的世界里,竟然有人能如此肆无忌惮地剥夺他人的生命,竟然有人如此厚颜无耻地践踏人类的和平。整个事件给我的感觉不再仅仅是恐怖行动,而是公然挑战人类尊严的丑恶罪行,我仿佛听见那些躲在黑暗中的恐怖分子们在嚣张地叫喊:“只要我们的事业能够成功,任何人的生命我们都会毫不怜惜地夺走。”不知不觉中,一年也就这么过去了。这一年对于我来说,和以往并没有什么太大的不同。但对于美国人来说,却是完全不一样了。往日那种充满阳光的祥和生活对这些普通人来说已经成为了记忆,他们必须终日面对那些已知的敌人和未知的灾难,必须提防着咖啡粉末中混杂着毒药,必须提防着头顶飞过的客机会轰然落下,必须提防着……静下心来想想,让人们觉得恐惧的又何止一个基地组织而已?潜伏在西班牙的埃塔、我国新疆的东突……这些恐怖组织的所作所为难道不应该引起我们的关注吗?在今年的第3期上,编辑曾出了一道有关9·11事件的小作文题。但学生的来稿却让我们很是吃惊。很多学生都认为恐怖事件的发生是美国“罪有应得”,个别同学甚至还称赞恐怖行动。这与我国政府反对恐怖活动的态度是完全背离的,同时也违背了人道主义精神。于是,在9·11事件发生一年后,我们做了这样一期“非常制造”,希望能告诉同学们:没有比人的生命、人类的和平生活更为珍贵的东西了。 Unconsciously, the year has passed. I still remember the situation when I learned about this news. At that time, I was preparing to sleep, customarily turned on the TV and wanted to see “The Evening News.” I can be shocked by the scene that can come before me. When I saw the helpless look on the faces of people who ran away in the thick smoke, when I saw someone falling like a meteor from a tall building, my tears flowed down unconsciously. I did not think that even in a sunny world, it was possible for someone to deprive others of their lives so unscrupulously that someone was so shamelessly trampling on human peace. The feeling that the whole incident gave me was no longer merely a terrorist act. It was an ugly crime that openly challenged the dignity of human beings. I seemed to hear those terrorists hiding in the dark screaming arrogantly: “As long as our cause can succeed, anyone Our lives will be taken away without pity." Unconsciously, the year passed. This year has not been much different from what I used to be. But for Americans, it is completely different. The sunshine-filled peaceful life of the past has become a memory for these ordinary people. They must face the known enemies and the unknown catastrophes all the time. They must beware that coffee powder is mixed with poison and must be watchful for flying overhead. The opportunity for the guest crashes and must be guarded against...Stay calmly and think about it. What makes people feel fearful is more than an al-Qaeda organization? Eta in Spain and East Turkistan in Xinjiang in China... What these terrorist organizations are doing? Should we not draw our attention? In the third issue of this year, the editor once wrote a small essay question about the September 11 incident. However, the student's contribution made us very surprised. Many students believe that the terrorist incident occurred because the United States “has got it deserved.” Some students even praised the terrorist action. This completely deviated from the attitude of the Chinese government against terrorist activities and violated the spirit of humanitarianism. Then, a year after the September 11th incident, we made such a “very manufactured” period, hoping to tell the students that there is nothing more precious than human life and human peace life.
高一数学新教材第一册(上)P132例4给出了如下结论: 已知Sn是等比数列{an}的前n项和,S3,S9,S6成等差数列,求证a2,a8,a5成等差数列. 笔者对上述结论作了推广,得到了等比数列的
①如果f(x)是奇(或偶)函数,则有f(-x)=-f(x)(或f(-x)=f(x)). ②若0属于奇函数f(x)的定义域,则f(0)=0. ③奇函数的图像关于原点对称,偶函数的图像关于y轴对称. ④定义域关于