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在隆重的成立仪式之后,北京中关村新材料产业联盟开始静心思考如何更加有效地整合产业资源,发挥企业优势,帮助企业分担成长中的烦恼,以加速新材料领域巨型企业的出现并推动新材料产业的发展。为做到有的放矢,营造真正适合新材料企业发展的外围空间,9月18日,北京新材料产业联盟邀请北京市科委有关领导与联盟企业代表、新材料产业中介机构及北京高新技术企业协会代表30余人,共同探讨促进新材料企业快速成长的政策环境、产业环境及影响新材料产业健康发展的相关因素等。这是一次企业与政府间面对面的交流与沟通,也是企业集中将需求和声音反映给政府的更直接、更有效的渠道。 After the solemn ceremony, Zhongguancun New Material Industry Alliance in Beijing began to meditate on how to integrate industrial resources more effectively, give full play to its advantages and help enterprises to share the growing troubles so as to accelerate the emergence of giant enterprises in the field of new materials and promote the development of new materials industries development of. On September 18, Beijing New Materials Industry Alliance invited representatives of leaders and alliances of Beijing Science and Technology Commission, representatives of new material industry intermediaries and representatives of Beijing High-tech Enterprise Association to create a real peripheral space suitable for the development of new material enterprises. More than 30 people to jointly explore the promotion of new material enterprises rapid growth of the policy environment, industrial environment and the impact of new material industry, the healthy development of related factors. This is a face-to-face communication and communication between enterprises and the government. It is also a more direct and effective channel for enterprises to focus their needs and voices on the government.
秋姑娘悄悄地来到了人间,挥舞着自己手中神奇的魔术棒,轻轻一点,无数桂花树便绽放美丽的花朵。 Autumn girl quietly came to earth, waving his magic magic wand, gently,
向空奶瓶中投进一块燃烧着的纸,然后在瓶口上绷紧一块橡皮薄膜。一会儿火灭了;再一会儿,橡皮薄膜就陷进瓶颈之中了。纸在奶瓶中燃烧的时候, Pour a piece of burning paper
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