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本刊1977年第三期登载了中南矿冶学院洪伟同志的关于“论二次冷却水对连铸板坯纵裂的影响”一文,作者阐述了自己对连铸机二次冷却水对于板坯纵裂纹的影响及予防的一些办法。最近,我们收到了冶金部钢铁研究院炼钢室周查同志对上述文章不同看法的意见。连铸板坯纵裂的产生与冶炼和浇注工艺方面关系极大。读者对连铸板坯纵裂产生的机理展开讨论是很好的,有助于推动我国连铸技术的发展。 The third issue of 1977 published in the South China Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Hongwei commented on “secondary cooling water on continuous casting slab longitudinal cracking” article, the author described his secondary caster secondary cooling water for the board Longitudinal cracks in the blank and to prevent some of the ways. Recently, we received opinions from Opinion Zhou Zhaochi of the steel making room of the Steel Research Institute of the Ministry of Metallurgy on the above opinions. Continuous casting slab longitudinal cracking and smelting and pouring process has a great relationship. The reader’s discussion of the mechanism of longitudinal cracking of continuous casting slabs is good and helps to promote the development of continuous casting technology in China.
我矿在冶金部有色金属研究院广东分院的技术人员和师傅的大力协助下,采用氩弧焊的方法,制造了一台全部钛材的 DWZ—100/6卧式氨蒸发器。经水压试验全部符合质量要求。此氨蒸
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
Purpose: We present a systematic review of the literature concerning major aspects of science mapping to serve two primary purposes: First, to demonstrate the u
重症肌无力(myasthenia gravis,MG)是一种神经肌肉接头传递障碍疾病,以骨骼肌无力、晨轻暮重、症状有波动为主要临床特点。近年来老年MG的发病率逐年增加,新发现的一些抗体(a
报导4-氟-3-羟基-1-取代苯基-6-哒嗪酮及其衍生物的合成,氟代顺丁烯二酸酐和取代苯肼类反应的研究结果及部分化合物的药理实验结果。 Reported the synthesis of 4-fluoro-3