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  一、 听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)
  1. Where are they talking?
  A. In a shop. B. At home. C. On the street. D. In a car.
  2. Who is ill?
  A. Lily. B. Lily’s sister. C. Lily’s mother. D. Nobody.
  3. Which is Tom’s favorite season?
  A. Summer. B. Autumn. C. Spring. D. Winter.
  4. What time will they start for the picnic?
  A. 7:30. B. 8:30. C. 8:00. D. 7:00.
  5. How often does the man go to the library?
  A. Once a month. B. Twice a week.
  C. Every day. D. Three times a term
  6. Where are they talking with each other?
  A. At the train station. B. At the bus stop.
  C. At the Customs. D. At the cinema.
  7. How many people are going to London?
  A. One. B. Four. C. Three. D. Six.
  8. Why do they go to London?
  A. On a visit. B. On vacation.
  C. For fun. D. On business.
  9. What is the man doing?
  A. Selling his house. B. Repairing his house.
  C. Looking for a house. D. Looking for a new job.
  10. Why does the woman want to sell the house?
  A. Because she wants to work in the country.
  B. Because she wants to buy a small house in the country.
  C. Because she needs a lot of money.
  D. Because the house is too big for her to live in.
  11. What did Mrs White do one day?
  A. She went to her office. B. She went to work.
  C. She went shopping. D. She went to see the doctor.
  12. What was the doctor’s last question about?
  A. Mr White’s birthday.
  B. Mrs White’s age.
  C. Mrs White and her husband’s age.
  D. Mrs White’s birthday.
  13. Where does Mike want to go for his holiday?
  A. China. B. Japan. C. America. D. England.
  14. How will Mike probably go to China?
  A. By air. B. By bus. C. By sea. D. By train.
  15. Why can’t Mike decide the trip?
  A. Because he has no time.
  B. Because his wife is worried about the dog, the house and so on.
  C. Because it costs much money.
  D. Because he hasn’t enough money.

  二、 单项选择(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)
  21. —Would you like some more cake?
  — ______ . I’m full.
  A. Yes, please B. I’d love to
  C. No, I wouldn’t D. No, thanks
  22. —Must I stay at home, Mum?
  —No, you______ .
  A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. don’t D. mayn’t
  23. The boys and girls often play____________football in____________afternoon.
  A. ×; an B. the; an C. ×?鸦 the D. a; the
  24.____________of them knew about the plan because it was kept as a secret.
  A. Each B. Any C. No one D. None
  25. You look so sad. I want to know______ .
  A. what did happen to you B. what was happening to you.
  C. what has happened to you D. what has happened on you
  26. The book is a little too expensive, but it is worth______ .
  A. to read B. being read C. of reading D. reading
  27. You may have a rest if your work______ .
  A. has done B. will be done
  C. has been done D. is going to be done
  28. Though the old man lives____________in the forest, he doesn’t feel______ .
  A. lonely; alone B. alone; alone
  C. lonely; lonely D. alone; lonely
  29.____________weather we have had these days!
  A. What a wonderful B. What wonderful
  C. How wonderful a D. How wonderful
  30. Jane’s little daughter is not____________to go to school now.
  A. enough old B. old enough C. eld enough D. enough eld
  31. —______! There is a car coming!
  —Oh. Thanks.
  A. Look for B. Look out C. Look after D. Look up
  32. —Would you mind____________the windows? It’s cold here.
  —Of course not.
  A. opening B. shutting C. to close D. to open
  33. You will find____________hard to learn English well soon.
  A. that B. this C. it D. ×
  34. It’s getting dark. Please____________the light.
  A. turn off B. turn up C. turn on D. turn down
  35. Could you tell me______ ?
  A. when will you come back B. when you will come back
  C. what did you do just now D. where are you going
  36. Jack runs fastest in his class, so____________boys can catch up with him.
  A. few B. a few C. quite a few D. some
  37. Mr Smith was very kind. He always______ to help the students with their maths.
  A. did his better B. did his well
  C. did his best D. did his good
  38. If you practise____________English every day, your oral English will become better and better.
  A. telling B. talking C. saying D. speaking
  39. Do you think that Lily plays the piano____________her mother does?
  A. as good as B. so well as
  C. as wonderfully as D. as friendly as
  40. We are all tired. Let’s stop______ .
  A. to work B. working
  C. having a rest D. to have good rest.
  三、 完形填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
  It was December 25, 1972. Marrie Orr, a 13-year-old Austrian girl, was happy. It was 41 and Marrie’s mother made an unusual cake. She put four small coins into 42 . The four small coins were for good 43 . After dinner, Marrie and her 44 ate the cake. When they 45 the cake, there were three coins on the table. One coin was 46 . Marrie’s mother didn’t notice it.
  After Christmas Marrie got 47 . She coughed and couldn’t speak. Six weeks later she felt 48 , but she 49 couldn’t speak. So Marrie went to the hospital. Doctors at the hospital 50 Marrie. They took an X-ray. Marrie’s mother asked the doctor, “Why can’t Marrie 51 ?” The doctor said, “We don’t know. Maybe she will speak again. Maybe she won’t. We are 52 , but we can’t help her.”
  For twelve years Marrie didn’t speak. She 53 and got a job. But she never spoke.
  One day when Marrie was twenty-five years old, she got ill again. She began to cough. She coughed up a lot of blood. She also coughed up 54 small and black from her throat. What was it? Marrie didn’t know. She took it to the hospital. A doctor said, “This is a coin.” The doctor told Marrie, “I 55 you can speak again.” Soon Marrie began to talk.
  41. A. party B. Christmas C. holiday D. winter
  42. A. the cake B. her pocket C. Marre’s bag D. the box
  43. A. friends B. health C. luck D. life
  44. A. teacher B. mother C. daughter D. family
  45. A. began B. finished C. did D. made
  46. A. paid B. found C. missing D. put away
  47. A. tired B. home C. angry D. ill
  48. A. worse B. terrible C. better D. lonely
  49. A. still B. also C. sometimes D. often
  50. A. looked for B. looked over C. looked after D. looked up
  51. A. talk B. listen C. tell D. hear
  52. A. sure B. busy C. worried D. sorry
  53. A. got up B. put up C. grew up D. sent up
  54. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
  55. A. wish B. hope C. know D. think
  四、 阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)
  Once Effendi had a joke with the Prime Minister(宰相). He said that the Minister would die the next day. The next day, the Minister fell to the ground from the horse and really died. When the king learned this, he got angry and sent his men to catch Effendi at once.
  When Effendi was brought to him, the king shouted angrily, “Effendi, since(既然) you knew when my Minister would die, you must know the date of your own death. Say it out, or you’ll die today.”
  Effendi looked at the king for a while. Then he answered, “But how can I know? I’ll die two days earlier than you.” The king was afraid that if he killed Effendi, he himself would die after that. He thought he had to keep Effendi alive as long as possible, so he let Effendi go.
  56. This story tells us______ .
  A. how Effendi fooled(愚弄) the king
  B. when the king would die
  C. why the Minister died
  D. Effendi knew the dates of everyone’s death
  57. The Prime Minister died because______ .
  A. Effendi killed him B. Effendi said he would die
  C. he was badly ill D. he fell off the horse
  58. Why did the king ask Effendi to tell him the date of Effendi’s own death?
  A. Because the king wanted to know when he himself would die.
  B. Because the wanted to find an excuse to kill Effendi.
  C. Because he himself had known the date of Effendi’s death.
  D. Because he wanted to know when Effendi would die.
  59. The king let Effendi go because______ .
  A. he hoped to live a long life
  B. he was afraid of Effendi
  C. he didn’t believe Effendi’s words
  D. he knew he would die two days later
  60. Which of the following is NOT true?
  A. Effendi played a joke on the Minister.
  B. The king was afraid of death.
  C. Effendi didn’t know when the king would die.
  D. If the king killed Effendi, he himself would die two days later.
  Every country has its own dinning custom. For example, Americans feel that the first rule of being a polite guest is to be on time. If a person is asked to dinner at 6:30 am, the hostess expects him to be there at 6:30 or not more than a few minutes late, because she usually does her cooking, she times(安排时间) the meal so that the coffee and meat will be their best at the time she asks the guests to come. If he is late, the food will not be so good, and the hostess will be disappointed. When a guest cannot come on time, he calls his host or hostess on the telephone, and tells when he thinks he can come.
  When guests arrive, the men in the group stand. They keep standing until a woman comes in and finds a chair. A man always rises when he is being introduced to a woman. A woman doesn’t rise when she is being introduced either to a man or a woman unless the woman is much older.
  When the guests sit down at a dinner table, the men often get chairs ready for the women.
  61. In America, a polite guest must______ .
  A. call the hostess before arriving
  B. arrive at the hostess’s home on time
  C. arrive half an hour earlier
  D. bring many presents for the hostess
  62. When a woman is being introduced to a man,____________usually rises.
  A. only the man B. neither the woman nor the man
  C. only the woman D. both the man and the woman
  63. If a guest can’t come on time, he may______ .
  A. telephone the hostess
  B. tell why he can’t arrive on time
  C. tell when he thinks he will come
  D. both A and C
  64. Which of the following isn’t right?
  A. Men must help women sit down at a table.
  B. When a woman guest arrives, the men in the room must stand up.
  C. The hostess expects the guests to be on time because she has to time the meal.
  D. The guests must help the hostess cook the meal.
  65. The passage is mainly about______ .
  A. the American dinner customs
  B. how to be a polite hostess
  C. how to help women at a table
  D. how to act before dinner
  222 Main St. Lague Beach. CA 92651, USA
  Dear Roni,
  Italy is wonderful. We started in Rome two weeks ago, drove to Florence last week and now we are on our way to Venice. Three weeks isn’t enough.
  The country near Florence is so beautiful——hills, olive trees. And red roofs of the houses look so nice far away.
  I’m afraid I’m getting bigger——the food is so delicious!!
  222 Main St. Lague Beach. CA 92651, USA
  Dear Roni,
  I can’t believe you went to school here in Honolulu! Why did you leave?
  I spent each morning on the beach and in the water. The sand is so soft and the beaches seem so long. The water is just the right temperature.
  One afternoon, I left the beach to walk in mountains near Honolulu. I enjoyed myself very much there.
  How I miss you!
  222 Main St. Lague Beach. CA 92651, USA
  Dear Roni,
  Maybe I’m strange but I love the desert. At times, it felt like the moon.
  I always thought deserts were all the same! They are not. Some parts look like mountains; others are really different.
  And when we find something green——a few palm trees, a little water, we feel good and great.
  See you in September!
  66. Who seems to have eaten too much delicious food?
  A. Mari. B. Akemi. C. Kim. D. Roni.
  67. Who went to school in Honolulu?
  A. Akemi. B. Mari. C. Roni. D. Kim
  68. Who spent four days on the moon?
  A. Nobody. B. Kim. C. Roni. D. Akemi
  69. Where does Roni live?
  A. Florence. B. Honolulu. C. Lagua. D. Venice.
  70. Which of the following statements is true?
  A. Akemi arrived in Rome two weeks ago.
  B. Mari spends every morning and afternoon on the beach.
  C. Deserts always look the same.
  D. Mari had a good time in Honolulu.
  Penguins(企鹅) live together in large and busy colonies. Each pair has a little piece of ground. When a penguin wants to walk through its neighbour’s ground, it must ask permission. 71
  Penguins come and go all day. They fight, fish and look after their children. All penguins are good parents——the male(雄性的) penguins are perhaps the best parents in the world. They walk in from the sea in the middle of the dark Antarctic winter. They choose their wives in the dark. 72 Then the female(雌性的) penguins lay their eggs and go away for about two months. 73 They hold them on their feet inside a fold of skin. If the eggs get cold, there will not be any chicks. There is no food. The snow falls. The wind blows——sometimes at 150 kilometers an hour. The penguins do not move. When the females return from the sea, they will not remember their husbands. 74 Only one thing matters——the eggs. Male penguins never fight——unless a penguin leaves a chick for a minute. 75 They are strange and wonderful birds.
  A. Then they fight because they all want it.
  B. They can only hear them——not see them.
  C. If it does not, it will have to fight.
  D. The males look after the eggs.
  E. It doesn’t matter.

  五、 补全对话(5个句子,每句2分,共10分)
  A: May I come in?
  B: 1 .
  A: I’m sorry for being late.
  B: 2 . Go and take your seat.
  A: Thank you, Miss Wang.
  B: Have you finished your homework?
  A: 3 .
  B: Why didn’t you finish your homework?
  A: My mother was ill yesterday and I had to look after her in the hospital.
  B: 4 . By the way, did you post the letter for me on your way home yesterday?
  A. 5 .
  B: It doesn’t matter. I’ll post it myself this afternoon.
  六、 书面表达(15分)

  1. W: Can I Help you?
  M: I’d like to buy a pair of shoes.
  W: Here are some nice shoes. Have a look, please.
  2. W: I saw Lily at the hospital yesterday. Is her mother ill?
  M: Oh, yes. Her mother is ill.
  3. W: Which season do you like best, Tom?
  M: Winter, because I like skating.
  4. M: What time shall we start for the picnic?
  W: What about 8:30?
  M: All right, 8:30.
  5. M: I’m going to the library.
  W: Do you go there often?
  M: Er...not very often, usually once a month.
  6. W: Excuse me, sir, what nationality are you?
  M: I’m Chinese.
  W: Are these three your companies?
  M: Yes, they are.
  W: Are they Chinese, too?
  M: Yes.
  W: Show me your passports, please.
  M: Here they are.
  W: Are you on business or on vacation?
  M: On business. We’re invited to visit London University.
  W: Where will you go after you visit London?
  M: We’ll fly back to China.
  W: That’s fine. Thank you.
  7. M: Good afternoon. I believe that this house is for sale.
  W: That’s right.
  M: May I go into it and have a look, please?
  W: Yes, of course, come in.
  M: How long have you lived here?
  W: 20 years.
  M: Why do you want to sell it?
  W: Because I have just stopped work, and I want to buy a small one in the country.
  8. One day, Mrs White didn’t feel very well, so she went to see the doctor. The doctor was a new one. He didn’t know Mrs White. The doctor first asked Mrs White some questions. Mrs White answered all the questions. At last the doctor asked her, “How old are you?” Mrs White answered, “I don’t remember, doctor. But let me think.” She thought for a while and then said, “Yes, I remember now, doctor! Yesterday was my husband’s sixtieth birthday, and he is eight years older than I. So you will now know how old I am.”
  9. W: Where are you going to spend your holiday this year, Mike?
  M: We may go abroad, I’m not sure. My wife wants to go to China. I’d like to go there, too. But we haven’t decided yet.
  W: Will you travel by sea or by air?
  M: We may travel by sea.
  W: It’s not expensive, is it?
  M: No, it isn’t. But it takes a much longer time.
  W: I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourselves.
  M: Don’t be so sure. We may not go anywhere. My wife is always worried too much.
  W: What is she worried about?
  M: The dog, the house and so on.
  I have made many friends in New York since I came to America. They do different jobs here. One is named Lucy, who is a pretty girl and she dances very well. Mike is a good basketball player. He looks very strong. Tom is a doctor. He works at a hospital. Mr King is a cook and he is good at cooking. Mr Green works at a college. His students like him very much. We often help and care about each other.
  一、 1-5 ACDBA______6-10 CBDCB 11-15 DBACB16-20 CEBAD
  二、 21-25 DACDC26-30 DCDBB31-35 BBCCB36-40 ACDCB
  三、 41-45 BACBB46-50 CDCAB 51-55 ADCAB
  四、 56-60 ADBAD61-65 BADDD66-70 BCACD71-75 CBDEA
  五、 1. Come in, please
  2. That’s all right/It doesn’t matter/Never mind/Not at all
  3. I’m sorry I haven’t
  4. I’m sorry to hear that
  5. I’m sorry I forgot
  六、 One possible version:
  Mike is a middle school student, who is Australian. Now he lives at 66 Park Street, Sydney, Australia. He works hard at school. Art and music are his favorite subjects, so he is good at singing and drawing. His hobbies are swimming and playing football, so he often goes swimming and plays football after class on weekdays. On Sundays, he usually stays at home to have a rest or watch TV. He is a lovely boy and good student.
一、单项选择  1. We couldn't enter the room because the door ___ by Tom just now.  A. locked   B. locks     C. war locked   D. is locking  2. I __ the way to the railway station by a policeman.  A. was sho
[答案与筒析]题①备选项中的her sister's and Kate's是用and连接起来的两个名词所有格,表示两者分别拥有某物,与题意相符,故答案为D。题②备选项中的Lucy and Lily's是用and连接起来的两个名词所有格,表示两者共同拥有某物,与题意相符,故答案为C。
一 单项选择(15分)    1. It is _____ difficult work that we can’t finish it in a short time.  A. soB. suchC. so aD. such a  2. I_____you_____left for Shanghai.  A. thought; hadB. think; have  C. think; hadD.
[拓展延伸]  1.在强调状态的改变,从不习惯到习惯时,应用get/become used to。例如:  You will soon become used to the work here.你马上就会习惯这儿的工作的。
1. --___hair band is this?  --It must be Alice's. She has a yellow one.  A. Which   B. What    C. Who     D. Whose  2. The light in the office is off. The teacher __ be there now.
Teens Use Summer Vacation to Help Others  It's not your usual summer vacation. But it is the kind of summer va-cation 1 . Reach out and help 2 , and you will get more than you imagine.
all right是一个常用的英语交际语,可以用于不同的场合,表达不同的意思。笔者就其用法作一总结和归纳,供同学们学习时参考。  1 用于对对方提出的请求、建议或邀请的应答,意为“行,好吧”;“可以,不错”等。例如:    注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文
第Ⅰ卷(四大题,95分)    一 听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)  Ⅰ. 句子辨音根据你所听到的内容,从ABCD四个选项中选择正确答案每个句子读一遍  1. There was something wrong with this________.  A.TVB.VCD machineC. computerD. telephone  2. You’d better________ yo
一 單项选择  1. It______ Jack twenty minutes ______the math problem yesterday.  A. took; to work outB. takes; to work out  C. has taken; working outD. is taking; working  2. I expect him______ the novel su
1. —What would you like to drink? Juice or milk?  —_____is good for me. I don’t mind.  A. NeitherB. EitherC. BothD. All  2. —My brother has been to Beijing.  —_____ .  A. So has hisB. So his hasC. So