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有人说,爱,是世界上最美好的东西,拥有了爱,就什么都已拥有。我虽同意这种说法,但有时又觉得,爱,也会带来烦恼。——题记我的出生,给这个丰富多彩的人口大国增添了新的活力,更给我们这个和睦的家庭增加了一份希望。我是爸爸妈妈的宝贝女儿,是他们“捧在手里怕摔,含在嘴里怕化”的掌上明珠。我们家赞同“女儿要宠着养”这种观点。平时,若是我的身体哪怕有一丁点儿不适,都会列到我家的头等大事上,决不允许拖拉,必须马上送往医院;如果有人在哪里吃到了什么美味佳肴,一定 Some people say that love is the most beautiful thing in the world. With love, everything is already there. Although I agree with this statement, I sometimes feel that love can bring troubles. - Inscription My birth has added new vitality to this colorful and populous nation and added even more hope to our harmonious family. I am the father and mother’s baby daughter, they “holding in his hand afraid to throw, afraid of ” in the palm of the pearl. Our family agrees with the idea that daughters should be kept pets. Usually, if my body is even a little uncomfortable, it will be listed on top of my family’s top priority and will not be allowed to procrastinate. You must be sent to the hospital immediately. If anyone has any delicious food,
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《反垄断法》本身反的并不是大企业,更不是反对规模经济,而是反对大企业滥用其市场支配力,从事排除竞争、限制竞争进而损害消费者利益的行为。 The antitrust law itself is
由于我国法律没有关于挂靠企业如何承担责任的相关规定,各地往往各行其是:在司法实践中,一种确定的、可预测的法律风险是可以进行法律允许范围内 Due to the fact that ther
随着高温超导体性能和理论的深入研究,人们发现YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-8)超导体具有吸氢的罕见能力,该过程遵循一般的反应式: (x/2) H_2+YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-8)→H_xYBa_2Cu_3O_(7-8)。结
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