On the innovative research of taishan cultural characteristic product packaging

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  Abstract:this topic takes taishan cultural characteristic product "taishan jade" as the starting point,elaborated "taishan culture" and "taishan jade culture" the relation and the influence.And "taishan jade" a series of investigations.The innovative design of taishan jade packaging is studied.Packaging design belongs to one of the commercial art design categories,it has the characteristics of each are not identical in different periods,with the improvement of the public aesthetic consciousness,design philosophy of continuous innovation,modern designers should be how to carry forward the Chinese traditional culture of accumulation down five thousand,from mining,inheritance and development of Chinese traditional cultural elements;How to perfectly combine traditional cultural elements with modern design concepts and apply them in packaging design to create works with rich expressive force,artistic appeal and regional cultural characteristics has become a subject we have to face.Designers should have certain knowledge of design theory to highlight the aesthetic quality of design works.Therefore,in the process of design,both of them must follow the aesthetic principle and not be too constrained by the commercial level,so as to highlight the inherent quality of design.Under this premise,we can design a good work with ideological connotation and free from flattery.
  Key words:"taishan culture","taishan jade culture",taishan jade packaging,innovative packaging design
  Excellent packaging designers must first understand the society,understand the enterprise,understand the goods,understand the market,understand consumers,but also have superb ability to control color,graphics and text,according to the information to analyze,make accurate packaging design positioning.Generally speaking,packaging design positioning is achieved through brand positioning,product positioning and consumer positioning.
  I.brand positioning:take "taishan jade" as an example;
  Any goods have their own brand,all want their own brand has a higher visibility.After a period of accumulation,after careful planning and design,ordinary brands will soon become well-known brands.Once it becomes a famous brand,it will bring huge profits and good reputation to the enterprise.Each kind of commodity has its own different attributes.If we want to show the most superior attributes of the commodity to consumers,we must take various forms of packaging design means.
  Ii.Product positioning   Product positioning is not accurate,even if the brand is large,consumers will not buy,so product positioning is also very important.Product positioning can highlight the characteristics,performance,advantages,USES,efficacy,grade,etc.,which is the selling point of the product itself.Due to the wide variety of products,each product has its own unique place,so in the product packaging design,we should consider from many aspects.
  Third,consumer positioning
  The target of the product is the consumer,the packaging design is to put on the beautiful suitable coat to the product,therefore,the consumer is the object that the manufacturer and the packaging designer study together.Only by clearly understanding the preferences and consumption characteristics of target consumers and consumer groups can consumers have a favorable impression and affinity to products.Consumer groups are very complex,so many factors should be considered.
  Iv."taishan jade" enterprise positioning:
  In different stages of economic development,enterprises have different emphasis on survival and development ability.So "taishan jade" brand enterprise positioning is a certain requirement,there must be a certain market meaning and brand market orientation in the positioning of protruding out.
  "Innovation" is to break through the past,has been unchanged some things,is not in the past,the new establishment.The packaging design of commodities cannot always be immersed in a fixed area.The innovation of packaging design is just like the objective law of the development of historical things,and the change of times often leads to the fate of its packaging style.In my opinion,the innovation of packaging design is divided into two aspects:one is external conditions,such as some new materials,new technologies,new methods,new elements,etc.;the other is the enhancement of visual communication effects by new design concepts,new design methods and other techniques.Designers' new creative inspiration sources include:novel and unique modeling design,harmonious and unified colors,delicate and unique patterns,so that consumers have a strong interest.In today's society,been fully improve people's living standard,the green packaging,the natural objects yearning growing,with bamboo,wood,straw,mud,cane,sunflower,palm,stem leaf,wicker,corn husk,as well as the design of packaging materials such as ceramics,weaving is more welcome than metals,plastics,packaging reflects the local characteristics packaging culture breath,give a person the sense with return to the company again.
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