Pretty Lantern美丽的灯笼

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  Spring Festival(春节) is coming. Let’s make a lantern(灯笼) to decorate(装扮) our home!
  colour paper,
  pencils, mark-pens.
  Step 1. Cut a red oval(橢圆)and two yellow rectangles(长方形). Stick one rectangle at the bottom(底端) of the red.
  Step 2. Draw and cut the cap(帽) of the lantern.
  Step 3. Draw, cut and stick the lantern as the photos show. Then write the “Fu” character on the yellow  square(正方形).
  Step 4. Draw, cut and stick the lovely cow(牛), ingots(元宝),red packets(红包) and  coins(钱币) as the photos show.
  Look! A beautiful lantern is done! Do you like it? Have a try!
White sheep,white sheep,  On a blue hill.  When the wind stops,  You all stand still.  When the wind blows,  You walk away slow.  White sheep, white sheep,  Where do you go?
人名、地名和一些特殊的单词,首字母要大写。  如:Doctor Zhou went to Edinburgh.周醫生去了爱丁堡。  1. 正确书写下面这些单词,注意大写哦!  a. sleeping beauty睡美人  b. april四月  c. london bridge伦敦桥  d. new york纽约  2. 抄写下面的句子,把应该大写的字母改正过来。  a. mr and mrs b
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同学们,你是否曾对什么人心生嫉妒呢?你知道吗?嫉妒其实只是人类普遍的一种情绪反应。善意的嫉妒会让我们更加努力,恶意的嫉妒则会让我们变得可怕,不仅伤害到别人的感情,也让自己心里不安,很不快乐,最后,受伤的反而是自己哦!  故事里的铅笔,因为嫉妒而做出暗中伤害对方的举动,真是很不应该!被嫉妒的情绪所控制,通常意味着自己缺乏自信。一天到晚担心别人表现得比自己好,冷言冷语说些像是:“其实那也没什么了不起啦
It is a cold and snowy day.  Rabbit is in a forest.  She is very hungry(饥饿的).  森林里下了三天的雪,小兔子在森林的雪地里找啊找,终于找到了两根胡萝卜。她把一根胡萝卜送到了好朋友猴子的家门口,然后就回家睡觉了。第二天,小兔子醒来,发现这根胡萝卜竟然回到了自家门前。这到底是怎么回事?Let’s read the story.
I’m from Nanjing. It’s a beautiful city. There are a lot of beautiful places here,such as Xuanwu Lake,the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum(中山陵),Plum Blossom Hill(梅花山),The Confucious Temple(夫子廟). But I think Xuan
Open. Close. Open. Crunch!  Open. Close. Open. Munch!  I gobble up the lines with my jaws.  Straight lines, curved lines.  I bite through paper.  Chomp and chew!
The Spring Festival is the most important festival for Chinese. Before the New Year comes, people clean their homes. Then people begin to decorate(装饰) their rooms.  The Chinese character(字) “Fu” is a
watch fireworks  觀看烟火
美麗的森林里有一棵古老的大树,她已经1000岁了,森林里的动物们亲切地称她“大树奶奶”。动物们喜欢在大树奶奶身边唱歌、玩耍,生活得无忧无虑。然而有一天,大树奶奶哭了,发生了什么事情?Let’s help Grandma Tree!  There is a beautiful forest.  An old tree lives in the forest.  The tree is 1000 ye