Corrosion products of reverse crevice corrosion of copper

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bobby_hong
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Open-circuit potential measurements and Raman spectroscopy were used to investigate the reverse crevice corrosion phenomenon and its corresponding corrosion products. With the aid of these techniques, the existence of reverse-crevice corrosion in copper was verified, i.e., while the surface of a crevice was corrosion free, the outside surface of the copper was attacked. The processes associated with this phe-nomenon were classified into three phases, and different compositions of the corrosion products were determined. Raman spectra showed that copper and Cu2O were found in the crevice, while CuO, Cu2O, and CuCl2 were the corrosion products on the bold surface. Based on these findings, a hypothesis relating to the three phases of reverse crevice corrosion has been proposed. Open-circuit potential measurements and Raman spectroscopy were used to investigate the reverse crevice corrosion phenomenon and its corresponding corrosion products. With the aid of these techniques, the existence of reverse-crevice corrosion in copper was verified, ie, while the surface of a crevice was corrosion free, the outside surface of the copper was attacked. The processes associated with this phe-nomenon were classified into three phases, and different compositions of the corrosion products were determined. Raman spectra showed that copper and Cu2O were found in the crevice, while CuO, Cu2O, and CuCl2 were the corrosion products on the bold surface. Based on these findings, a hypothesis relating to the three phases of reverse crevice corrosion has been proposed.
9岁,梁振英在家里帮妈妈做胶花;34岁,被评为“香港十大杰出青年”;43岁,成为特区行政会议年轻成员。从底层起步打拼,最终获得成功,这就是香港第四任特首梁振英的成长之路。  出身寒门 自幼立志  1954年,梁振英在香港出生,祖籍山东威海。梁振英小时候,当警察的父亲在山顶和礼宾府当差,薪金每月只有300多元,养一家5口人,难免捉襟见肘。更难的是,家里当时还有“远忧”:警察退休必须搬出警察宿舍,而退
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