
来源 :江苏农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caiqigang
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对围垦利用初期轻质滨海盐土研究结果表明:(1)利用初期,土壤化学环境发生很大变化,主要表现为土壤pH值明显升高。这与CO2-3的出现、RSC大小以及HCO-3增加和Ca2+减少密切相关。(2)种稻、养鱼及植棉等利用改良措施都可促进土体脱盐。(3)利用初期,盐分化学类型由Na-Cl型向Na-Cl·HCO3型过渡。(4)钠吸附比随盐分减少而下降,土壤碱化度亦随之下降。(5)围垦初期土壤有机质、全氮和速效磷有所增加,增加数量与利用方式和时间有关,但速效钾随盐分淋失而减少。(6)土壤部分层次发生残余碱化与灌溉水的影响无关。 The results of the study on the use of early coastal light saline soil in the reclamation showed that: (1) In the initial stage of utilization, the chemical environment of the soil changed greatly, mainly showing that the soil pH value increased obviously. This is closely related to the appearance of CO2-3, the size of RSC, the increase of HCO-3 and the decrease of Ca2 +. (2) Rice, fish farming and cotton planting can all promote the desalination of soil with the improvement measures. (3) In the early stage of utilization, the chemical type of salt transition from Na-Cl type to Na-Cl · HCO3 type. (4) Sodium adsorption decreased with decreasing salinity, and the alkalization degree of soil also decreased. (5) The content of soil organic matter, total nitrogen and available phosphorus in the initial stage of reclamation increased with the way of using and time, but the available potassium decreased with the leaching of salt. (6) Partial alkali alkalization in the soil has nothing to do with the influence of irrigation water.
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【正】 China’s Anchun International Holdings Ltd (Anchun) has been listed on theMainboard of the Singapore Exchange (SGX) starting October 25th,under theticker