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目的了解深圳市福田区用人单位职业病危害情况及企业职业病防治工作现状,探索今后职业病防治工作的重点。方法对2010-2011年辖区作业场所职业病危害因素监测的111家企业监测结果及现场调查情况进行分析。结果化学因素、粉尘、噪声合格率分别为95.7%、89.2%和85.4%,总体差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);不同规模企业的监测结果总体差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),外资企业监测合格率明显高于其它经济类型企业(P<0.01);小型企业在专/兼职负责人配备率、防护用品配备率、MSDS提供率、健康检查开展率、员工培训率明显低于中型企业(P<0.01或P<0.05);私营企业在专/兼职负责人配备率、防护用品配备率、MSDS提供率、员工培训率明显低于其他经济类型企业(P<0.01);配备了专/兼职职业卫生负责人的企业在防护用品配备率、MSDS提供率、健康检查开展率、员工培训率显高于未配备专/兼职职业卫生负责人的企业(P<0.01)。其中55家企业开展员工培训,培训内容依次为生产技能(83.6%)、岗位操作制度(56.4%)、消防知识(38.2%)、生产安全知识(32.7%)、化学危害知识(23.6%)等。结论深圳市福田区企业职业病危害因素监测结果总体合格率较高,但企业专/兼职负责人配备率、防护用品配备率、MSDS提供率、员工培训率低,尤其是小型企业和私营企业;企业配备专/兼职负责人对职业病防治工作有明显的促进作用;加强健康教育、健康促进是推动企业职业病防治工作开展有效途径,需针对企业经营者、管理层进行干预,促进企业主动开展职业病防治工作。 Objective To understand the occupational hazards of employers in Futian District, Shenzhen and the current situation of prevention and treatment of occupational diseases in enterprises in Hubei Province, and to explore the focus of prevention and control of occupational diseases in the future. Methods The monitoring results and field survey of 111 enterprises monitoring occupational hazards in the workplaces in 2010-2011 were analyzed. Results The pass rates of chemical factors, dust and noise were 95.7%, 89.2% and 85.4%, respectively, with significant differences (P <0.01). There was no significant difference in monitoring results among different scale enterprises (P> 0.05) The qualification rate of foreign-funded enterprises in monitoring was significantly higher than that in other economic types (P <0.01); the rate of staffing in small / medium enterprises, the rate of protective equipment, the rate of supply of MSDS, the rate of health examination and the rate of staff training were significantly lower than those of medium- (P <0.01 or P <0.05). The private-owned enterprises in the part-time / part-time staffing rate, protective equipment rate, MSDS supply rate and staff training rate were significantly lower than those in other economic types (P <0.01) / Part-time occupational health officials in enterprises in the protective equipment rate, MSDS delivery rate, health check-up rate, staff training rate was significantly higher than that without part-time or part-time occupational health leaders (P <0.01). Among them, 55 enterprises carried out employee training, which included production skills (83.6%), job operation system (56.4%), fire protection knowledge (38.2%), production safety knowledge (32.7%) and chemical hazard knowledge . Conclusion The overall compliance rate of occupational hazards in Futian District of Shenzhen City is high, but the proportion of staff in enterprises / part-time workers, the rate of protective equipment, the rate of MSDS supply and the training rate of employees are low, especially for small-sized and private-owned enterprises; Equipped with part-time responsible person for prevention and treatment of occupational diseases have a significant role in promoting; strengthen health education and health promotion is to promote enterprise occupational disease prevention and control work to carry out effective ways, for business managers, management intervention, and promote enterprises to actively carry out occupational disease prevention and control work .
为了研究不同贮藏条件对油茶籽品质的影响,将整粒不去壳油茶籽与去壳油茶籽仁在不同包装条件下贮藏180 d ,测定贮藏期间油茶籽的酸值、过氧化值、烂籽率等理化指标。结果表明:随
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2005年4~7月,对甘肃西部(东阿尔金山地区和西祁连山地区)和东南部(西秦岭地区)的石鸡(Alectoris chukar)种群栖息地选择进行了调查.主成分分析表明,草本密度、地面异质性和草
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