放飞学生心灵 激发美术动力——试探初中美术教学

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走进学生的心灵,想学生之所想,教学生之所需,让学生的心灵得到自由,让他们的个性得到张扬。充分发挥美术教学特有的魅力,激发学生的学习兴趣,并使这种兴趣转化成持久的情感态度,增强他们的形象记忆能力和创作表现力,从而使他们的学习从被动变为主动。初中的美术教学不同于小学,这是因为:小学美术教学中,更加注重对小学生创造力和想象力的开发和培养,着重在对“人”的培养上,而初中美术教学中,对美术专业知识及专业技 Into the students’ minds, think what students want, teach students what they need, so that students get free mind, so that their personality to be publicized. Give full play to the unique charm of art teaching, stimulate students’ interest in learning, and make this interest into a lasting emotional attitude, enhance their image memory and creative expression, so that their learning from passive to active. Art teaching in junior middle school is different from primary school. This is because primary school art teaching pays more attention to the development and cultivation of primary school students’ creativity and imagination, focusing on the cultivation of “people ”, while in junior high school art teaching, Art expertise and professional skills
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