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英语作为语言学科,口语教学是其重要组成部分。受应试教育影响,我国初中英语教学一直出现“高分低能”的现象。学生很多时候能够掌握英语词汇和语法,但是口语实践却很差。这与教师的侧重点有着直接的联系。我们知道,课堂教学不是简单的教师教,学生学单方面的行为,而是动态的,需要一个交流和互动等,进而在这动态中让学生掌握英语知识,形成一定的口语能力等等。在这样的实际背景下,探究培养学生口语表达能力有着很强的实践意义和价值。 Oral English as a language subject is an important part of it. Affected by the exam-oriented education, junior high school English teaching has been the phenomenon of “high score low energy”. Students often master English vocabulary and grammar, but their oral practice is poor. This is directly related to the teacher’s focus. We know that classroom teaching is not a simple teacher-teaching, students learn unilateral behavior, but dynamic, requires a communication and interaction, etc., and in this dynamic allows students to master English knowledge, the formation of a certain degree of speaking ability and so on. In such a practical background, it is of great practical significance and value to explore and develop students’ oral communication skills.
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