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自实行对外开放以来,我国先后制定了三部外商投资企业法律,它们是:1979年7月五届全国人大二次会议通过的《中外合资经营企业法》(1990年4月七届全国人大三次会议修订);1988年4月七届全国人大一次会议通过的《中外合作经营企业法》以及1986年4月六届全国人大四次会议通过的《外资企业法》。这三部法律的颁布实施,对于贯彻对外开放方针、促进外商投资,扩大对外经济合作和技术交流,发挥了重要作用。现在,为了适应进一步扩大对外开放的形势和需要,适应我国加入世界贸易组织的进程,根据世界贸易组织规则和我国对外的承诺,有必要对这三部外商投资企业法律作适当修订。 Since the opening up to the outside world, China has enacted three laws on foreign-invested enterprises in succession: the Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Venture Law passed by the Second Session of the Fifth National People’s Congress in July 1979 (three times in April 1990 at the Seventh National People’s Congress Meeting Amendment), Law of Sino-Foreign Joint Venture Enterprises adopted by the First Session of the Seventh National People’s Congress in April 1988 and Law of Foreign-funded Enterprises adopted by the Fourth Session of the Sixth National People’s Congress in April 1986. The promulgation and implementation of these three laws have played an important role in implementing the guidelines for opening up to the outside world, promoting foreign investment, and expanding foreign economic cooperation and technological exchanges. Now, in order to adapt to the situation and needs of further opening up to the outside world and to adapt to our country’s accession to the World Trade Organization, according to the rules of the World Trade Organization and our foreign commitments, it is necessary to make appropriate amendments to the laws of the three foreign-invested enterprises.
日前,央视一则关于生吃淡水鱼易患肝吸虫病的报道让人们看得心惊肉跳——广西零先生常吃淡水鱼生鱼片,肝脏长了上百条瓜子仁状的虫子,它们就是通过生吃淡水鱼进入人体的!  特邀专家 邹 洋  北京友谊医院热带医学研究所副主任医师  当心虫从口入  很多人以为现在卫生条件好了,寄生虫病已经不见了,可以放心吃肉、吃海鲜等生鲜食物。可事实上,感染寄生虫的患者并不少见。一旦遇到被寄生虫感染的食物、烹饪时没有充分熟
原有的利义观、传统文化中美的部分就被巨大的物质利益的诱惑挤出了交易的舞台。 The original concept of righteousness, the traditional beauty of the part of the Uni
China’s step-by-step solution to urbanization prob-lems is“a great contribution to human society,”a Chinese of-ficial said.Li Zhendong,Vice Minister of Cons
难易程度:★★★★  你走过迷宫吗?这种设计巧妙的建筑常常会使很多人受困其中。可是,你知道吗?小小的土豆却是一位走迷宫的能手呢!    “注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文” 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
我在小学五年级念书。我学习一直很努力,方法也对头,可我的学习成绩老是上不去,始终在中间摇摆。同学笑话我,说我是榆木脑袋。我对此很烦心,整天闷闷不乐。有一段时间,我想反正成绩也上不去,打算放弃努力学习。  我不知道语文老师是怎么知道我的心事的。或许是同学们告诉语文老师的,或许是语文老师从我那副苦瓜脸上看出来的。那天,语文老师上完课后,把我叫到了她的办公室。  语文老师微笑着问我:“小马,你说迎春花,