Truss structural damage identification based on principal component analysis and multivariate contro

来源 :Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dxy_10121012
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The present paper addresses the subject of truss damage identification using measured frequency response functions (FRF). Damage identification matrix is formed using measured FRFs obtained from truss dynamic test. Then using principal component analysis (PCA),the variable space dimensions of damage identification matrix can be reduced,and original data characters of FRFs can be analyzed and extracted from lower dimension variable space. Thus truss damages can be identified using the multivariate control chart of first several order principal components which contain almost all of original data information. Without the need for modal parameters,the method avoids the errors of modal fitting. In order to validate the reliability of the method,a whole size truss was tested with six types of damage case concerning single or two element damages. The experimental result shows that the proposed method is straightforward and reliable for truss damage identification. Especially,the method has good applicability for the truss under noisy environment and non-linear cases. The present paper addresses the subject of truss damage identification using measured frequency response functions (FRF). Damage identification matrix is ​​formed using measured FRFs obtained from truss dynamic test. Then using principal component analysis (PCA), the variable space dimensions of damage identification matrix can truss damages can be identified using the multivariate control chart of the multivariate control chart of the first several order principal components which contain almost all of the original data information. Without the need for modal parameters, the method avoids the errors of modal fitting. In order to validate the reliability of the method, a whole size truss was tested with six types of damage case concerning single or two element damages. The experimental result shows that the proposed method is straightforward and reliable for truss damage identification. Especially, the method has g ood applicability for the truss under noisy environment and non-linear cases.
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学校举行运动会,我们班取得了出色的成绩。老师决定用获得的30元奖金举行一次包饺子的活动。我们拿着工具和原料走进教室,桌上摆满丰盛的点心,馋得我们口水直流。  铃声一响,大家把碗筷整齐地放在桌上。老师给每个人发了几张饺子皮。我拿着薄薄的饺子皮,学着老师的样儿,把肉馅放在饺子皮中间。然后,把饺子皮对折,捏出一些小小的花纹。有的同学可着急了,拿着饺子左捏右捏就是不成形,有的同学包的饺子像个布袋子,有的饺
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1 病因介绍例 1:刘某 ,女性 ,49岁 ,工人。就诊日期 1997- 0 1- 2 0。主诉 :10d前无任何诱因、突发颈部、左肩臂部持续性、针刺样剧痛、不能入睡。曾经我院骨科、神经科检查
我有一个可爱的哑巴爷爷。他今年73岁,矮个子,头发黑白相间,脸上皱纹密布,笑起来像朵大菊花。  哑巴爷爷很好学。他常戴着老花镜,津津有味地阅读报纸。有时我站在他身边,他都不知道。我拍拍他的肩膀,他吓一跳,看见是我,就咧开嘴笑了,露出洁白的牙齿。他朝自己竖起大拇指,意思是说:“瞧,我多努力,你该向我多学习。”他没进过一天学校,却能写出我们全家人的名字。  哑巴爷爷双手很灵巧。一次,我的鞋子坏了,就去
放学后,我和妈妈、哥哥一起去乡下老祖母家。  下了车,我看到一棵枣树,那长满尖刺的枝条像爸爸发怒时伸出的手掌,真是吓人。  我从最下边的小枝上小心翼翼地摘了几根小刺。一路上,让它们安安静静地躺在我的外衣口袋里。它们很老实,没有淘气地从我的袋子里逃出去。  回到家,我把这些小刺儿放在土里,盼望着出现奇迹,希望它们能长成一棵棵又高又大的枣树。  (指导老师邓国辉)