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制定水中致病菌的直接检验方法是一项非常重要的工作。人们在卫生学实践中认识到,只满足于检验水中的粪便污染指示菌是远远不够的,因为检出这种指示菌只能表示水中可能存在致病菌,但拿不出致病菌存在的直接证据;而未检出指示菌,却不能排除水中有致病菌存在。目前已知许多疾病和流行病都与水有关。用现代灵敏方法已经证明水中存在的致病菌远比以往人们预计的严重得多。因此,这就很自然地提出了直接检验水中致病菌问题。就目前而言,用滤膜检验法是非常适合的。因为水中致病菌的数目较少,其存活 Developing a direct test for pathogenic bacteria in water is a very important task. In the practice of hygiene, people realized that it is not enough to just be satisfied with the indicator bacteria in water to detect fecal contamination, because the detection of such indicator bacteria can only indicate that there may be pathogenic bacteria in the water, but no pathogenic bacteria can not be found Of the direct evidence; but did not detect the indicator bacteria, but can not rule out the presence of pathogenic bacteria in water. It is known that many diseases and epidemics are related to water. Modern and sensitive methods have proven far more pathogenic than ever before in the water. Therefore, it is natural to propose a direct test for the pathogens in water. For the time being, the membrane test method is very suitable. Because of the small number of pathogenic bacteria in water, their survival
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